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李俊鹏 马旺林 | 能源贫困可否共担:中国农村礼金支出与能源贫困关系初探

2023/6/1 15:33:31  阅读:39 发布者:

Junpeng Li & Wanglin Ma (2023). Sharing energy poverty: The nexus between social interaction-oriented gift expenditure and energy poverty in rural China. Energy Research & Social Science101: 103131.



摘要:本研究探析了社交性礼金支出对中国农村居民能源贫困的影响。为更全面的反映中国农村居民能源贫困的现状,本文考虑了能源不可得性(inaccessibility)、不可负担性(unaffordability)和多维能源贫困(multidimensional energy poverty)。同时,本文利用条件混合过程(CMP)模型分析20162018年的CFPS数据,以消除礼金支出变量的内生性问题。实证结果显示:社交性礼金支出对农户能源支出具有显著的挤出效应并引致了农户的能源贫困。具体而言,农户礼金支出每增加100/人,可引发其能源不可得性、不可负担性和多维能源贫困发生的概率分别增加2.1%1.5-1.6%1.9%。进一步分析发现,礼金支出对能源贫困的促进作用主要通过恶化农户的经济状况(以家庭存款量衡量)实现的。基于实证分析,本研究提出:约束农户的礼金支出行为可以有效缓解农村的能源贫困问题。


Abstract: This study examines how social interaction-oriented gift expenditure affects the energy poverty of rural households in China, accounting for energy inaccessibility, unaffordability, and multidimensional energy poverty. A conditional mixed process model was used to estimate the 2016 and 2018 China Family Panel Studies survey data and address the endogeneity of gift expenditure. The results suggest that social interaction-oriented gift expenditure could crowd out rural residentsenergy expenditures and drive them to energy poverty. Specifically, every 100 Chinese yuan per capita increase in gift expenditure increases the probability of energy inaccessibility by 2.1% and energy unaffordability by 1.5%1.6%. This increase also increases the likelihood of rural households being trapped in multidimensional energy poverty by 1.9%. Furthermore, household deposits mediate the positive associations between gift expenditure and rural energy poverty. Our findings suggest that regulating rural residentsbehaviors of giving monetary gifts could help alleviate rural energy poverty.

Keywords: Social interaction; Gift expenditure; Energy poverty; Conditional mixed process model; Rural China




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