2023/5/30 15:01:06 阅读:58 发布者:
About the Project
The Engelstaedter Lab at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, invites applications for a PhD position in microbial evolutionary biology. The successful candidate will work on projects investigating the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Specific projects are flexible and will be arrived at in discussion with the candidate. Our previous research includes work on the evolution of natural transformation, integron evolution, fitness landscapes underlying drug resistance evolution and the predictability of evolutionary dynamics. We use a combination of different approaches in our lab, including mathematical modelling, bioinformatics and experimental evolution. For details about our research and recent publications, see our website at http://engelstaedterlab.org/.
We are looking for a highly motivated student with a strong background in evolutionary genetics, bioinformatics, mathematics and/or microbiology. Applicants should possess a Bachelor's degree with Honours, Master of Science, MPhil or equivalent. Good communication skills, scientific curiosity and enthusiasm for research in evolutionary biology are essential.
The School of Biological Sciences is a large and research-intensive unit at the University of Queensland, one of Australia's most prestigious universities. Brisbane is the third-largest city in Australia and offers mild subtropical climate, vibrant cultural life, plenty of outdoor activities and native wildlife.
Acceptance for this PhD is contingent on successful application for a PhD scholarship. Several PhD scholarships for domestic and international students are available; options will be discussed during the interview.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter (including a brief outline of their research interests), CV, and academic transcript to j.engelstaedter@uq.edu.au. Informal inquiries are also welcome. Please submit your application before 12 June 2023 to be considered for the international scholarships.