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2023/5/30 15:00:42  阅读:43 发布者:


About the Project

We are seeking a highly motivated student with high GPA preferably with knowledge of the following areas: bioinformatics, epigenetics/genetics/genomics

Broad Project Summary: Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Epigenetic changes are now recognised as a hallmark feature of cancer, but our understanding of factors that are responsible for tumour spread still remains limited. Epigenetic alterations such as DNA methylation (modifications in DNA structure that can alter gene expression without changing the actual genetic sequence) are dynamic in nature and have been implicated in every type of cancer. Understanding the role of these epigenetic changes in driving tumour development and identifying them early holds tremendous potential to understand cancer and will contribute to better outcomes for patients. Recent studies have shown that tumour-specific methylation changes enable early detection of cancer with high sensitivity and specificity. We have projects that will involve studying epigenetic changes (focussing on DNA methylation) in different cancer types. This PhD project will include bioinformatic and statistical analysis of large pan-cancer datasets (multi-omics data such as DNA methylation, chromatin, RNA-Seq, mutation) from patients (early stage or resistant to treatment) and model systems. The project is also likely to include handling and analysis of clinical samples. You will be joining a diverse team, working with an interdisciplinary team (including clinicians), gaining valuable experience.

The successful candidate will have obtained an eligible bachelors degree [(ie, BSc(Hons)/BBioMedSci(Hons)] or MSc with high academic excellence.

Knowledge of the following areas would be desirable: bioinformatics, genetics/epigenetics, bioinformatic tool development. Please apply with your CV (including contact details of three references), transcripts for academic qualifications and any other relevant information in regards to your application, in a single PDF. Applications wont be considered without these documents. The project comes with working expenses, consumables and training opportunities required for a PhD, but does not include a student scholarship. You will be required to apply for a PhD scholarship (which we will assist to the successful candidates) and therefore excellent academic grade/GPA is necessary.

Please apply with your CV (including contact detail of three references), transcripts for academic qualifications and any other relevant information in regards to your application, in a single PDF.

Email: aniruddha.chatterjee@otago.ac.nz



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