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2023/5/29 15:43:03  阅读:34 发布者:


The Dr. Wusheng Lius laboratory (https://cals.ncsu.edu/horticultural-science/people/wliu25/) in the Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University studies translational genomics and plant bioengineering. Our research focuses on novel delivery method development, identification of novel gene or novel functions of genes, and crop trait engineering using genetic engineering and gene editing. We are seeking two postdoctoral research associates to conduct translational genomics research in ornamental crops (hydrangea and tripidium/miscanthus) and tomato for agronomic trait improvement using plant transformation and gene editing.

Candidate qualifications:

· PhD degree in Plant Science, Genetics, or related fields.

· Strong plant molecular biology background.

· Highly motivated, working hard, and able to work collaboratively in a team.

· Interest to work with technology development and crop trait improvement.

· Good oral and written communication skills.

Job expectations:

· Being responsible, responsive, and reliable.

· Assisting with the mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students.

· Participating in idea conception and experimental design.

· Writing research manuscripts for publication.

· Assisting in testing novel ideas, preliminary data collection, and proposal writing.

The positions are currently available with financial support for 3 years, contingent upon satisfactory performance. Salary will be $53,000 or above plus full benefits.

Interested applicants please send a CV, a brief description of interests and career goal, and names of three references to wliu25@ncsu.edu



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