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外研版七年级下册 Module 7 单元整体教学下的语篇分析

2022/11/9 11:08:37  阅读:451 发布者:



    语篇1讲述的是来自中国的玲玲和来自英国的托尼对自己的家乡小学和小学老师做了介绍,其中充满了情感的流露,这主要体现在对各自首任老师和朋友的评价上。对人物进行描述的词语strict, nice, friendly以及对过去事物进行提问的句式“Who was”…“what were”等均在语篇中生动地呈现,教师在课堂中可以引导学生在自由对话中更轻松地表达出来。同时,学生可以和朋友们共同回顾彼此的童年生活,增进同学之间的相互了解,能用运用was/were清晰地表达自己或询问对方过去的经历,提高沟通交流能力。

     语篇2则以贝蒂的口吻讲述了他在美国的家乡昆西小镇的生活,这篇文章包含了地理,历史,社会和家庭环境等方面的内容,不过总体而言是关于贝蒂生活的描述,这篇文章托尼那篇关于他家乡剑桥的文章有很大不同,这篇文章介绍的主要是个人生活。采取了从社会,家庭,朋友的角度来对贝蒂在昆西的生活进行描述。第一,二段进行描述了昆西的社会生活,镇上有电影院,商店等,还出过两位总统,第三,四段描述了贝蒂的家庭生活,我们可以读到贝蒂的家是什么样子,甚至能了解他房间的装饰,最后一段描述了贝蒂与朋友的交往文章最后说到贝蒂期盼着回到昆西,不过吸引他回去的不是昆西的社会生活环境,也不是他的老房子,而是她的朋友。生动形象的内容在学生眼前打开了一扇窗户,让他们看到了真切的外部世界,培养了学生的跨文化意识。学生可以通过阅读贝蒂的家乡联想到自己的家乡,从而培养对家乡和对生活的热爱。文章采用的是第一人称,拉近了内容与学生的距离,使学生很容易融入其中。这样的写作方式以及“It was great to…” “look forward to…”的句式和短语可以帮助同学们运用到自己的作文中。

    语篇3Around the world结合一般过去时进行了跨文化知识拓展,介绍了南非前总统曼德拉的生平,你知道曼德拉的生日吗?你知道曼德拉出生在哪里吗?Around the world 会告诉你答案。






Module 7 My past life 单元模块测试卷


()1There     a big living room and two bedrooms in our new house

Awas      Bwere    Cbe      Dare


--He was friendly

AWhat was your first teacher

BWhat was your first teacher like

CWhere was your first teacher

DHow was your first teacher like

()3Do you see the chair       three legs?

Awith      Bof    Chave      Dhas

()4--What is your aunt like?


 Ais a worker    Blikes bananas      

Cis 40      Dis kind

()5Im looking forward to    you again·

 Ameet     Bmeeting      

Cmet      Dto meet

()6He lived in a town      the east coast of England

 Ain         Bon          Cat        Dto

()7--Do your parents let you watch TV in the evening?

     --Nothey dontThey are       with me

 Abusy    Bstrict     Cgood    Dkind

()8Tony has nothing to doHe is    

 Atired     Binteresting     

Cbored    Dinterested

()9Its great    on the beach

 Ato playing    Bplays    

Cto play   Dplayed

()10--Why dont you go out to playRose?

      --Im afraid I cantThere is much homework     

   Ado      Bdoes     Cdoing      Dto do


  I was born here 20 years agoIt is quite  11  nowLets  12  aroundOn our right there is a schoolIt was  13 a school thenAt that timethere were not many students in the schoolThe teachers were very  14  and nice,but they were  15 with usThere  16  two houses next to the schoolThe small one was my friend Zhao Yis houseThe big one  17  a small garden was my teachers houseBehind the house,   18  the rightthere were rice fieldsMy home was  19  the other side of the roadThere was a small park to the west of our houseWe liked playing there  20.

()11Adifferent    Bthe same    

        Clike     Dsame

()12Atake   Bshow   

        Cmake   Dwalk

()13Atoo     Balso    C either    Dand

()14Afriendly    Bhappily     

 Ccarefully     Dfriend

()15Aangry    Bcomfortable   

     Chappy     Dstrict

()16Awas    Bare    Cwere     Dis

()17Ahave   Bwith  Chas   Dwas

()18Ato     Bon      Cin    Dat

()1 9Ain     Bon      Cto      Dof

()20Amany   Ba lot of    

      Ca lot   Dvery



    Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the worldHe was born in BrooklynNew YorkHe was very shortso he didnt play very well when he was in his high school at firstBut the next year things changed as he grew much taller

     Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North CarolinaHe played so well that people called himAir Jordan”.After college(大学)he became a basketball team member in the Chicago BullsThe NBA was very surprised at this highflying playerHe was namedRookie(新秀)of the year in 1985 and Most Valuable Playerin 1987He once set a record (纪录)by getting 63 points in one game

(  )21Jordan is a basketball superstar in       .

 AEngland   BAmerica   

CCanada   DJapan

()22When he was in his high schoolhe       at first

Adidnt play very well         

Bplayed very well

Cgrew much taller            

Dset a record

()23He began to become famous in      

 Athe Chicago Bulls           B. the NBA

 Cthe university basketball team     Dhis high school

()24He was often called“      ”.

  ARookie        Bthe NBA

  CMost Valuable Player     DAir Jordan

()25The NBA was very surprised at the      superstar when        

Ahe was young

Bhe joined the basketball team in his high school

Che joined the university basketball team

Dhe joined the Chicago Bulls


   Remember Tony and Peterthe twin brothers who started singing at the age of five?The little boys are now twentyfive years old and will come back home for the first time since they left ten years agoThey will sing to celebrate the 100th birthday of our beautiful town

   Tony and Peter are famous for their wonderful voicesThey are popular with both young and old peopleThree years agothe brothers organized the Garbage Can with their three cousinsThe five of them started to write their own songs and have become successfulIn the coming concert in Green-townthe Garbage Can is going to sing their best-loved songs and several new ones

   The concert will be at Apple Park at 7 pm on 10th OctoberFans who do not want to miss it should get to the park as early as possible

()26Tony and Peter started singing when they were      years old

A5      B10       C15       D25

()27Tony and Peter are famous because they have      

Agood looks           Bbeautiful songs

Cwonderful voices   Dbestloved books

()28After reading the passagewe can know that the Garbage Can is      

 Aa singer     Ba song     

Ca band      Da place

()29We can know the information EXCEPT     of the concert

 Athe time     Bthe date    

Cthe goal    Dthe price

()30Whats the main idea of the passage?

 AIts about twin brothers and their large family

 BIts about a concert to celebrate the birthday of a town

 CIts about a famous singers birthday celebration

 DIts about Green-town and its beautiful views


AHiYu Hai!You werent at home last weekend.31       

BI was back to my home town


BNo.But l was there from 2002 t0 2004


BI was born in 1999

AWhere were you before 2002 ?


ANowdo you often go back to your home town?

BYes35.       I love them a lot

A. When were you born?

B. Were you born there?

C. My grandparents live there now.

D. I was in Shanghai with my parents.

E. Where were you?


   I 36w      born in a village of JinanThe village was not bigbut it was beautiful and clean.There was a big garden 37. w      some trees and flowers. There 38.w        many fish in the pondOn weekendschildren often played thereNear the gardenit was my first school Shuiku Primary School

     My first teacher was Mr TongHe was 39 and he came from WeifangHe was  39f       and interestingbut he sometimes was 40s       with usI loved him very much


41Our English teacher is       (friend)to usAnd we like her very much

42My cousin       (be)born in the USBut he lives in China now

43--Who was your       (one)English teacher?

--Miss Zhou

44There are many interesting things       (do)in the village

45The students look forward to       (go) back home on Friday


   Daming was born in a small village in 1998His primary school was Red Star Primary SchoolHis maths teacher was Mr WangHe was a strict teacherDaming was afraid to have maths classesso he was not good at maths at that timeMiss Zhao was his Chinese teacherShe was kind and friendly to·the studentsDaming was good at ChineseAt that timeDamings school was small and oldThere were only five classrooms in his schoolThere were no labs or librariesBut now there is a new school called New Star Primary SchoolIts big and beautifulTherere two tall buildings in itTheres a big library and three labs in it



46There is a new school called          now

47Daming was good at         in the primary school


48What was Miss Zhao like?


49Was Mr Wang strict with the students?


50How many classrooms were there in Damings primary school?   



51We were at school yesterday(改为否定句)

We                at school yesterday

52Whats the weather like today?(last Sunday改写句子)

              the weather like last Sunday?

53Miss Smith was nice and friendly(对画线部分提问)

        was Miss Smith        ?

54Mrs Gao was my first English teacher(对画线部分提问)

                 your first English teacher?

55--Was your grandfather a teacher?(作否定回答)

--No,                  .



I am         my classmates


My father is going to buy a house       three       


What       your son        at school last week?


What was                           your first school?


He is always                        going to Hong Kong




Li Shuai




26th  August,1991


Dongfang Primary School


Miss Yang


Wang Hai





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