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2022/11/9 9:48:56  阅读:257 发布者:

A social butterfly is someone who is comfortable and active in social situations.

Social butterflies fit in well in different situations, make friends easily, and tend to feel pretty positive on a regular basis.

If you've ever watched a butterfly in action, you'll note that they busily work a garden, flitting from flowers to flowers to glean a little nectar before moving on.

The action of the butterfly is beautiful and purposeful, even though such food is necessary for survival. Yet the light passage from standing flowers, and the frequently colorful wings of the insect has inspired the term social butterfly.

Social butterflies seem to be innately extroverted and comfortable in any social situation.

Social butterflies enjoy meeting new people at different events.

Just as the actual butterfly enhances the lives of flowers, the social butterfly tends to be an asset at parties. She or he sometimes can start conversations, praise the looks of the other guests, and keep the party atmosphere more interesting.

It would be more difficult to throw a party with no extroverted guests, since most introverted guests need a little encouragement to move in a room, engage in conversation and keep a party lively. A combination of extroverts and introverts tend to balance social engagements more appropriately.

A social butterfly seeks out different social gatherings.

Some people seem to be innately extroverted, and there are now various personality tests which can tell you whether you tend to be more outgoing or less.

Generally, you may already know whether you fit social butterfly standards if you've had opportunities to take part in social engagements. Do you like to walk about the room talking with various guests, or do you prefer one deep conversation with a kindred spirit? If the answer is yes to the former, you probably are the extroverted social butterfly type.



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