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2022/10/18 10:42:46  阅读:135 发布者:


Module 1  My classmates

1. come from 来自  

be from 来自

2. Nice to meet you./It's nice to meet you./Good to see you.很高兴见到你

3. welcome sb to somewhere 欢迎某人来到某地

4. Class One Grade Seven  七年级一班

5. the capital of   ...的首都/省会

6. family name

given name

last name

first name

Module 2 My family

1. on the left 在左边

2. on the right 在右边

3. next to ...…隔壁;挨着

4. in front of ...…前面(范围外)

in the front of ...…前面(范围内)

5. behind ...…后面

6. at the same hospital 在同一家医院

7. What a big family! 好大的家庭啊!

8. Whats your fathers job?= What does your father do? 你父亲的职业是什么?

9. a photo of sb. 某人的照片

10. a hotel manager/a manager of a hotel 宾馆经理

a theatre manager / a manager of a theatre 剧院经理

11. at a police station 在警察局

12. a bus station 公共汽车站

13. a farm worker 一位农场工人

14. family doctor 家庭医生

15. an apple tree 变为复数形式 apple trees

a man doctor 变为复数形式 men doctors

a woman teacher 变为复数形式 women teachers

16. I see.=I know./I understand. 我明白了,我懂了。

17. an English teacher 一位英语老师

18. 指示代词



Module 3 My school

1.there be 有,表存在

2. a lot of = lots of 许多 (后跟可数名词复数及不可数名词)

3. at/in the front of ...…内部的前面

4. a map of the world 世界地图

a map of China 中国地图

a map of England 英国地图

5. how many 多少(后跟可数名词复数)

6. between...and...  ............之间(在两者之间)

7. in the middle of ......中央

8. a building with twenty-four classrooms 一幢有24间教室的建筑物

a house with a garden 一所有花园的房子

9. dining hall 食堂

10. sports hall 体育馆

11. science lab 科学实验室

12. classroom building 教学楼

13. office building 办公楼

Module 4 Healthy food

1. have/has got

2. Lets + 动词原形  让我们......

3. too much 太多(后跟不可数名词)

too much chocolate 太多巧克力

4. be good for ......有益

5. What kind of+名词(可数或不可数即可)提问种类

What kind of fruit have we got? 我们有哪种水果?

6. How about/What about doing sth. ......怎么样?

7. be bad for ......有害

8. a bit 有点,一点 (后跟形容词及不可数名词)

a bit tired 有点累

a bit juice 一点果汁

9. Its important (for sb) to do sth.(对于某人来说)做某事很重要.

10. stay healthy/ keep healthy/ keep fit 保持健康

11. get fat 变胖

12. have a good breakfast 吃一顿丰富的早餐

13. healthy food 健康的食物

unhealthy food不健康的食物

14. eat well 吃得好

eat right food 吃正确的食物

15. remember to do 记得做某事(未做)

16. drink delicious chicken soup 喝美味鸡汤

Module 5 My school day

1. half past seven 七点半

2. five to nine 八点五十五分

3. in the afternoon/morning/evening 在下午/上午/晚上

(但当afternoon/morning/evening之前有具体日子修饰时,介词要用on. 如:on Monday afternoon 在星期一下午)

4. be good at doing = do well in doing 擅长做某事

5. favorite subject 最喜爱的科目

6. talk with sb= talk to sb. 与某人谈话

7. on weekdays 在工作日

8. get up 起床

9. have breakfast/have lunch/have dinner 吃早餐/ 午餐/晚餐

10. start to do = begin to do 开始做

11. watch TV 看电视

12. do ones homework 做作业

13. go to bed 去睡觉

14. go to sleep 去睡觉

15. have a break/have a rest 休息片刻

16. have classes/lessons 上课

17. have+具体科目名称 上......

have geography上地理课

18. like to do/like doing… 喜欢做某事

19.in the day 在白天

at night 在夜里

20. play with sb 和某人玩

21. make sth + adj.(形容词) 使某物......

She makes maths interesting. 她使数学有趣。

22. finish school 放学(动词短语)

after school放学(介词短语)

23. my school day 我的校园生活

24. start work 开始工作


Module1 How to learn English?

1. look up  ;查找                   

2. make  a  mistake  犯错误

3. talk about  谈论;讨论               

4. speak English  讲英语

5. write down  写下;记下              

6. next to  在……旁边;紧挨着

7. listen to the radio  听广播            

8. be good for  对……有好处

9. write to  给……写信               

10. a little  有点

11. agree with sb. 同意某人

12. talk to  跟……交谈              

13. send sth. to sb.  把某物()送给某人

14. ask for  请求     

15. watch films  看电影

16. be from  来自                   

17. smile at  冲……微笑

18. go  to  bed  去睡觉              

19. get up  起床

20. think about  考虑

21. make friends with sb.  与某人交朋友

22. take sb. around sp.  带领某人参观某地

23. a few  几个;一些                   

24. invite sb. to 邀请某人到……

25. be good at  擅长                  

26. for example  例如

Module2 My home town and my country

1. pretty good  相当好;很好                       

2. in  fact  事实上

3. in  the 1980s  20世纪80年代                 

4. one day  有一天

5. come from  来自

6. lots of  许多                  

7. be famous for  以……而闻名

8. part of   ……的一部分                         

9. more than  超过;多于

10. on the coast  在海岸边                        

11. in the east/south/west/north of…  在……的东//西/北部

Module3 Sports

1. sit down  坐下                                  

2. stay at home  待在家里

3. bad luck  坏运气                                

4. watch TV  看电视

5. lose matches  输掉比赛                           

6. next time 下一次

7. be good at  擅长                                 

8. play against  对抗

9. warm up  热身;做准备活动                       

10. be late for 迟到

11. cheer on  用欢呼声激励;为……加油               

12. keep fit  保持健康

13. get lost  迷路                                   

14. a minute ago  一分钟之前

15. plenty of  许多                                  

16. be ready for  为……做好准备

17. at weekends  在周末                              

18. in the countryside  在乡村

Module4 Planes, ships and trains

1. by bike  骑自行车                           

2. far from  远离

3. road accident  公路上的交通事故              

4. as well  也,和,还

5. get crowded  变得拥挤                       

6. have a great trip  旅途愉快

7. take a plane  乘飞机

Module5 Lao She Teahouse

1. in the end  最后,终于                       

2. be famous for  因……而出名

3. would like  想要                            

4. the beginning of  ……的开头

5. send sb. to  sp.  把某人送到某地              

6. be named  被命名为......

7. give a warm welcome to  热情欢迎......     

8. take place  发生

Module6 Animals in danger

1. in danger  处于危险中                     

2. be interested in  对……感兴趣

3. think of  想起                            

4. take away  拿走;带走

5. look after  照顾;照料                      

6. find out  找出;发现;查明

7. many kinds of  许多种......                    

8. set up  建立;创立


Module1 Wonders of the world

1. wonders of the world  世界奇观

2. join in  加入

3. on the eastern coast of   在…...的东海岸

4. in one's opinion   在某人看来

5. millions of   成百上千万的......

6. be interested in   ...…感兴趣

7. become grey  变成灰色

8. get out of  从…...出来

9. go through  穿过

10. fall away  突然向下倾斜

11. look over  从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查

12. look across  眺望,向对面看

13. look down  俯视,向下看

14. on top of  在…...顶部

15. at the bottom of  在…...的底部

16. on both sides  在两边

17. look like  看起来像

18. be famous for  因…...闻名

19. do an interview  做采访

20. draw a picture of  画一幅…...的图画

21. go down  下去,下沉

22. high up  在高处

23. more than  超过

24. dozens of  数十个,许多

25. in height  高度,在高度上

Module2 Public holidays

1. as soon as   一….........

2. take a vacation  度假

3. have a picnic  野餐

4. play music  演奏音乐

5. go somewhere interesting  去有趣的地方

6. make short speeches  做简短的演讲

7. give thanks for  感谢......

8. grow corn  种植玉米

9. lay the table  摆设餐具

10. as well  

11. plenty of  丰富的,充足的,大量的

12. make much progress  取得很大进步

13. get back  回来

14. think about  考虑

15. make a plan for 为…...制定计划

16. wake up  醒来

17. fall asleep  睡着

18. in different ways  以不同的方式

19. count down  倒数

20. depend on  依靠

21. apart from  ...…以外(还有)

22. at the same time  同时

23. since then  从那以后

24. all kinds of  各种各样的......

Module3 Heroes

1. in the world  在世界上

2. play table tennis  打乒乓球

3. give up  放弃

4. as well as  和,还

5. have to  必须,不得不

6. die for  为…...而死

7. take care of  照顾

8. close to 接近

9. so that  以便(表目的);以至于(表结果)

10. at that time  那时候

11. learn about  了解

12. in the end  最后

13. on the moon  在月球上

14. a lot of  许多

15. in need of  需要

16. think about  考虑

17. die of  死于......

18. be proud of  ...…而自豪

19. because of  因为

20. set off  出发,开始

21. get away  离开

22. on the way home  向…...学习

23. sothat...   如此…...以至于......

24. learn from  ...…学习

25. once again  再一次

Module4 Home alone

1. look after  照顾

2. be careful with  小心…...

3. make sure  确保

4. plenty of  大量

5. wake up  醒来

6. text message  短信

7. a couple of  两三个......;一对......

8. turn off  关闭

9. come true  实现

10. be worried about  担心

11. on business  出差

12. at last  最后,终于

13. as soon as  一….........

14. have fun  玩得高兴

15. hurry to do sth.  赶紧做某事

16. ask sb. for sth.  向某人要某物

17. hand in  提交,上交

18. be unable to do sth. 不能做某事

19. wake sb. up  叫某人起床

20. tidy up  收拾,整理

21. depend on  依靠,依赖

22. in the end  最后

23. say goodbye to sb.  和某人道别

24. see sb. off  给某人送行

25. all day long  整天

Module5 Museums

1. take a photo  拍照

2. against the rule  违反规定

3. no wonder  难怪

4. be rude  粗鲁的

5. go upstairs/downstairs  上楼/下楼

6. be sure  确信

7. take a boat trip  乘船旅行

8. put on  穿上

9. have a high fever  发高烧

10. on time  准时

11. send an email  发电子邮件

12. write down  写下

13. get into trouble  陷入麻烦

14. break the rule  破坏规则

15. keep quiet  保持安静

16. be different from  与…...不同

17. welcome to  欢迎到......

18. be noisy  吵闹的

19. answer to the questions  问题的答案

20. physics experiments  物理实验

21. find out  查明,找出

22. compare sth. with sth.  ............比较

23. fast enough  足够快

24. think about  考虑

25. something new  某些新东西

26. be free 免费的

27. make sure  务必

28. in the whole world  在全世界

29. allow sb. to do sth.  允许某人做某事

30. thousands of  成千上万的

31. make a noise  发出噪音

32. next to  靠近;挨着

33. between...and...  在…...和…...之间

34. drop in  顺便拜访

Module6 Problems

1. too much  太多

2. play the guitar  弹吉他

3. have to  不得不

4. agree with  同意

5. do ones homework  做家庭作业

6. go to bed  去睡觉

7. as soon as   一….........

8. come home from school   从学校回家

9. be able to  能够

10. get into the habit of  养成...…的习惯

12. last word  最终决定;最后一句话

13. be good for  对…...有好处

14. at the same time  与此同时

15. after school  放学后

16. come round  拜访(某人的家)

17. play games  玩游戏

18. try out  试用;试

19. take off  脱下;起飞

20. at the end of  在…...尽头

21. no longer  不再

22. at least  至少;起码

24. play football  踢足球

25. by mistake  错误地

26. be worried about  担心

27. hurry up  赶快

28. make mistakes  犯错误

29. make progress  取得进步

30. do well in  在…...方面做的好

31. save up  储蓄;贮存

32. on my way home  在我回家的路上

33. be good at  擅长

34. a lot of  大量,许多

35. give up  放弃

36. get into trouble  陷入困境

37. in the past  在过去

38. go wrong  出故障

39. tell sb. about sth.  告诉某人关于某事的情况



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