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2024/9/30 9:41:44  阅读:1 发布者:


展示型问题是为了促进学生对文本信息的识记和理解而设计的问题, 教师预先知道学生作答的内容,学生作答时会在很大程度上依赖文本信息。



参阅型问题是在学生理解并获取文本事实信息之后, 教师针对文本特征、写作特点、写作意图进行提问。这类问题一般在文本中没有现成的答案,教师也没有现成的答案,学生作答时需在一定程度上参阅文本内容,同时结合已有的认知和经历,对文本信息进行提取、加工和运用,并且能够从文本中找到足够的信息来佐证答案。


What's the author's purpose of writing this text

Who would be most likely to read this text and why?

What do the images/words suggest?




Q1: Do you agree with the writer's opinions? Why (not)?

Q2: Which one do you most agree with? Why?

Q3: What(content/sentence/expression/idea) impressesyou most? Why?

Q4: Can you provide some more strong reasons/ examples/ evidences to support the writer's conclusion?

Q5: If you were..., what would you do?/ If you were..., how would you react?



1.Would you suggest a title for the passage?

2.What is the purpose of this article?

3.What can be learned from the text?

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

5.How is the research/experiment carried out?

6.What does the last sentence of the text imply?

7.What does the word " ..." in paragraph 2 mean?

8.Please describe the writer's tone in the passage.

9.What is the main idea of the passage/ paragraph 2?

10.What is the real concern of the writer of this article?

11.What did the writer think after doing ...?

12.Why did the writer finally agree to do that?

13.What viewpoint/message is conveyed in this article/story?

14.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?

15. According to the passage, what impresses the writer most?

16. Why does the writer mention ...

at the beginning of the text?

17. Why does the writer provide the detailed information about the ?

18.What does the writer recommend in order to achieve his/her purpose?

19.Why is that character or event or example mentioned in the text?

20.According to the writer, what result was eventually brought about?

21.What does the writer mean by the sentence/ word phrase in the text?

22.According to the text, why can ... now be easily discovered in that region?

23.What would the writer or a certain character in the text most probably agree with?

24.What impressed the writer most (at a certain point or in a certain situation/context)?

25.In the writer's opinion, how does her argument stand (eg. : one-sided, reasonable, puzzling, well-based)?

26.What method does the writer use to develop paragraph 4/this passage (eg. : by offering analyses;providing explanations; giving examples; making comparisons)?

27.What kind of scene is described in? How do you feel about it?

28.What is meant by “…”?

29.Why do you think the writer ends the article with “…”?

30.What can we get from the qutoes?


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