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2024/1/18 8:36:08  阅读:39 发布者:

1.Raise your hands. 请举手。

   put up your hands up 请举手。

2.Sit down.坐下。

  Stand up.起立。

3.Come to the front. 请出来。

4.Go back to your seat.


5.Look at the blackboard.



7.Please be quiet. 请安静。

8.Let's  check the attendance.


9.I will read it first. 我先读一遍。

10.Listen carefully. 请听好。

11.Repeat after me. 请复述。

12.Read after me. 请跟我读。

13.One more time. 再来一次。

14.Let's read it all together.


15.Speak out loud./ speak up.


16.Do you understand


17.Do you have any questions


18.I will ask you some questions.


19.Can you answer it


20.What did you say


21.Could you say it again


22.Please pass it to the person behind you.


23.Bring it to me.


24.Open your books to page12.


25.Turn to the next page.


26.Close your books.


27.Write it on your notebook.


28.Come and write it on the blackboard.


29.Underline it.


30.Do the exercise.


31.Practice with your partners.


32.Talk with your partners.


33.Have you finished


34.Review the last lesson.


35.What did we do last time


36.Let's check the answers.


37.I will give you some homework.


38.Don't forget to do your homework.


39.I will check your homework now.


40.Please speak in english.


41.What is it in English


42.Let's go on to the next activity.


43.That's all for today.




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