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2023/12/22 15:21:53  阅读:44 发布者:


Good morning my distinguished judgesIts a great honor to stand here to share my teaching plan for the listening and speaking lesson chosen from Unit 7 Its raining Section A 1a-2c. This teaching material comes from the second semester of Grade 7 of Peoples Education Edition. During the next 15 minutes, I will show my teaching plan from the following 8 partstheoretical foundations, analysis of teaching material, analysis of learning conditions, teaching objectives, teaching methods, teaching procedures, homeworkblackboard design and teaching reflection. First, lets come to the theoretical foundations. Four theories are employed in my teaching plan. I will use three-dimensional text analysis method to analyze the teaching material, including what, why and how. I will use core competencies and Blooms Taxonomy of Education to set and describe teaching objectives. In addition, I will use activity-based learning to design teaching activities from three levels, including learning and understanding, application and practice, transfer and creating. Those theories are newly mentioned in new national English curriculum proposed in 2022. Second, lets come to the analysis of teaching material. I will analyze it from three perspectives. They are what, how and why. I will analyze what from three aspects, content, theme and language. First, content. The four conversations in 1b mainly talk about the weather in different cities and the comprehensive conversation in 2a and 2b is a phone call, which covers weather and activity. Second, topic and theme. The topic is about describing the weather and what people are doing, belonging to the theme of the relation between human beings and nature. Third, language. The key language items involve some vocabularies related to weather, some sentence patterns in terms of asking about the weather and some functional sentences about making phone calls. I will analyze how from two aspects, logic and structure. First, logic. The four short conversations in 1b are designed to introduce the new knowledge, including vocabularies and sentence patterns in this lesson, which can pave the way for the comprehensive and complex conversation in 2a and 2b. Second, structure. The general structure unveiled in the conversation 2a and 2b is greeting-weather-activity, which makes it a logical, authentic, fluent and complete conversation. Next, why. This listening discourse is intended to help learners know how to describe the weather and what people are doing under proper occasions. Next, lets come to the third part, analysis of learning conditions. I will use KWL model to analyze it. K represents Know, W means Want and L indicates Learn. First, lets talk about Know. Before the class, my target students have already known the present progressive tense and some verb phrases, like play computer games, play basketball, cook and watch TV. Second, lets talk about Want. During the class, my target students will want to know how to ask and describe the weather in different cities by using the sentence patters Hows the weather in...? /Whats the weather like in...? Its... and the words related to weather, including windy, sunny, rainy, raining, snowy, snowing and cloudy and they will also know how to read a photo by covering the target language. Last, lets talk about Learn. By the end of the class, my target students will know how to read and describe a photo from three aspects, including city, weather and activity, how to ask and describe the weather by employing the sentence patterns and the words related to weather and some names and special symbols of different cities, including Boston, Toronto and Moscow. Then, lets go to the teaching objectives. I will set and describe the teaching objectives with the theories of core competencies, which involve language capacity, mind quality, culture awareness and learning capability and Blooms Taxonomy of Education, which covers six cognitive levels, including remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. First, by the end of the class, students will be able to ask and describe the weather in different cities by using the sentence patters Hows the weather in...? /Whats the weather like in...? Its... and the words related to weather, including windy, sunny, rainy, raining, snowy, snowing and cloudy. It belongs to the categories of language capacity and understanding. Second, by the end of the class, students will be able to recognize the name of the city by referring to some representative symbols, including Toronto University, Fenway Park, The Temple of Heaven and The Oriental Pearl Tower. It belongs to the categories of culture awareness and applying. Third, by the end of the class, students will be able to Master the listening strategies of shorthand and prediction by viewing and observing the pictures presented in the textbook and by referring to the typical example given by the teacher. It belongs to the categories of learning capability and applying. Fourth, by the end of the class, students will be able to read and appreciate a photo from three perspectives, including city, weather and activity by involving in the authentic activity of photographic exhibition. It belongs to the categories of mind quality and creating. Then, its about the teaching methods. I will use communicative language teaching method and task-based language teaching method in my classroom teaching. Next, lets come to the most significant part of my teaching plan, teaching procedures. First, lets focus on the pre-listening part. At the very beginning, I will create a genuine context for my students. I will say I love travelling and taking photos and I will hold a photographic exhibition at the end of the class. I hope students can learn to read and describe a photo. This activity is designed to activate studentsmotivation and learning interest. Then, I will introduce the three elements by using a photo. I will use a photo of the West Lake to introduce the three elements of reading a photo by asking a series of questions. This activity is designed to create a clear teaching thread and structure for the whole class. After that, I will present some photos related to different cities to teach the name of different cities, sentence patterns of asking and describing weather and some symbols of different cities to permeate culture teaching. This activity is designed to present target language by using multimodal tools, such as photos, animation and sound and to echo the design of the lead-in activity and present the complete structure for the class. Next, I will ask students to match the words with pictures in 1a and I will check the answers by asking students to express in whole sentences. This activity is intended to help students to be further familiar with the words related to weather and pave the way for the following listening activities. Second, lets pay attention to the while-listening part. First, I will ask students to write city names in the boxes by employing the listening tip of shorthand. This activity is designed to help students to be further familiar with some famous cities and to permeate the listening strategy of shorthand. Second, I will lead students to practice the intonation with three steps: self-perception, listening and practice. This activity is intended to echo with one of the items mentioned in the checklist. Then, I will invite students to make their own conversations by involving some functional sentences about making phone calls and some sentence patterns about asking and describing the weather. This activity is designed to consolidate the sentence patterns in a communicative and meaningful way and put the intonation into practice. Next, I will ask two questions to help students to predict the listening material. This activity is intended to permeate the strategy of prediction. Then, I will ask students to listen and number the pictures. Before listening, I will ask students what is he/she doing? After listening, I will check the answers by asking students to express in whole sentences. This activity is designed to practice studentsability of listening for detailed information. After that, I will ask students to listen and match the names with the activities. After listening, I will check the answers by inviting students to make conversations. This activity is intended to further consolidate the present progressive tense. Third, lets fix our attention on the post-listening part. First, I will show the photos that have been presented at the beginning of the class and ask some questions about what people are doing in the photos. This step is intended to further practice the element of activity. Then, I will ask students to attend my photographic exhibition and make a comprehensive conversation. Students will have a pair-work according to the checklist and I will evaluate their performance by using the checklist with students together. This activity is designed to help students have a comprehensive language production and to internalize the language by involving in a real and communicative activity and to integrate teaching, learning and evaluating. Next, lets come to the homework and blackboard design part. I design my homework from two perspectives, compulsory homework and optional homework. I think my homework design is relevant, hierarchical and meaningful. This is my blackboard design. This kind of blackboard serves as the role of scaffolding, which can aid the final language production process of my students. So, I think this kind of blackboard design is logical, structural, informative, clear and meaningful. Reflection is relatively essential. So, the last part is about my personal teaching reflection. My teaching is student-oriented. That means I give my students sufficient time to listen and speak. My teaching is also logical and creative. I decipher the listening discourse with three levels, city, weather and activity and make it a teaching thread throughout the whole class. However, there are still some flaws in my teaching plan. For example, the lead-in part can be more simple so that it can save more time for students to practice the target language. Finally, I hope all of our English teachers can be reflective and creative. Thats all. Thank you for your listening!

来源 | M老师的英语教学坊、明师俱乐部



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