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The Best Ways to Speed Read & Become a Faster Reader

2023/12/22 10:37:33  阅读:52 发布者:

Speed reading is a skill that allows people to process information quickly with skimming techniques. So, how do you learn and master this amazing skill? Well show you the best speed reading and skimming techniques in this article, so youll be zooming through your homework in record time.

Method 1.Speed Reading Techniques

1.Set obtainable goals to improve your speed reading. Practice makes perfect, even when it comes to speed reading. Aim to work on your speed reading daily by completing speed reading exercises or timing your WPM. Use these average speeds to set a milestone for yourself:

(1)200 to 250 WPM is the expected reading speed for someone 12 or older.

(2)300 WPM is the reading speed of the average college student.

(3)At 450 WPM, you're reading as fast as a college student skimming for the main points. Ideally, you can do this with almost total comprehension.

(4)At 600 to 700 WPM, you're reading as fast as a college student scanning for a word. Most people can learn to read at this speed with about 75% of their normal comprehension.

(5)At 1,000 WPM and above, you're reaching the level of competitive speed readers. This usually requires extreme techniques, and most people can't remember much at this speed.

(6)It typically takes 2 to 4 weeks to double your reading speed, so be patient with yourself and keep trying.

2.Time your reading speed or WPM so you can track your progress. Track your progress by timing yourself daily, or each time you do a speed reading exercise. Not only does trying to beat your best speed motivate you, but it can also give you a goal to work towards. Follow these tips to time your average WPM:

(1)Count the number of words on a page, or count the number in a line and multiply by the number of lines on the page.

(2)Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how much you can read in that time.

(3)Multiply the number of pages you read by the number of words per page.

(4)Divide the previous number by 10 to get your WPM.

(5)Dont feel like doing the math yourself? Try using an online speed reading test. Although, be aware that you may have a different pace on a screen than on a printed page.

3.Set a faster reading pace before working on comprehension. Extreme speed readers swear by training their reflexes first. They believe that learning to increase reading speed depends on eye movements rather than understanding a text. There isnt enough evidence to prove this theory, but it doesnt hurt to give it a try! Follow these steps to help increase your reading time, even if you dont understand what youre reading:

(1)Move a pencil along the text, saying 1,100until you reach the end of the line.

(2)Spend 2 minutes trying to read at the pace of the pencil. If you can't understand anything, stay focused on the text and keep your eyes moving.

(3)Rest for 1 minute.

(4)Spend 3 minutes trying to read at the pace of a pen that moves across 2 lines every time you say 1,100.

4.Cover words you've already read with an index card. When reading, your eyes can move back to earlier words. These are typically short habitual movements that don't improve understanding or speed. Use an index card to cover words right after youve read them. This way, you can train yourself not to look back at previous sentences.

These regressions also happen when you've failed to understand something. If your eyes jump several words or lines back, it could be a sign that you need to slow down.

5.Move your eyes less as you read. While reading, your eyes move, stopping on some words and skipping others; however, you can only comprehend what you're reading when your eyes stop moving. Learning to move your eyes less can help you read faster, so try staring at one line at a time without gliding your eyes over the words.

6.Talk to yourself less and avoid sounding out each word. Some readers subvocalize or sound out every word they read in their heads. This may help readers remember concepts but can also be a major barrier to speed. Keep in mind that you dont need to read every single word to understand the sentences overall meaning.[3] Here are a few ways to curb a subvocalizing habit:

(1)Chew gum or hum while you read

(2)Hold a finger against your lips

(3)Tap your foot or hand

Method 2 Tricks for Skimming Text

1.Look for titles and section headings. Skimming is the process of previewing text to get an impression of its content, and the first step is to start by reading the titles and headers. Glance at the page and focus on bolded, underlined, or larger words and phrases. For instance, the headlines of a magazine or the table of contents of a textbook.

2.Read the beginning and end of a section. If youre skimming a textbook or article thats broken up into separate sections, choose a section youd like to focus on based on the headings. Then, read that section's introduction (first paragraph) and conclusion (last paragraph). This can give you a better understanding of whats discussed and if you need to give the material a closer look.

3.Circle important words throughout the text. Narrow your reading to 1 section of the text at a time. Then, scan the section for words that stand out to you or are relevant to your research. Use a pen or highlighter to underline or circle these keywords. Pay close attention to:

(1)Words that are repeated several times

(2)Proper nouns

(3)Italicized, bolded, or underlined words

(4)Main ideasoften including words from the title or section header

(5)Words you don't recognize

4.Pay attention to pictures and diagrams. If the text youre studying or reading includes charts, pictures, or diagrams, look over them. These additions usually show more information than the text, summarizing the main ideas and facts. Read the diagram or pictures description and note why it may be relevant to the written information.

5.Read the first sentence of each paragraph if youre confused. If you've lost track of the subject, read the start of each paragraph. The first sentences of a section will typically teach you the main points of the paragraph, helping you decide whether or not the section is worth reading.

6.Resort to skimming when a vague understanding is needed. Knowing when to skim a piece of text is an essential part of speed reading. While skimming or grazing over words is helpful for reading faster, it can make it harder to understand the text's context.

(1)For instance, skimming the morning paper or a textbook can help you find keywords or interesting material fast.

(2)On the other hand, skimming through a book you need to write an essay on may not be the best idea, as you may miss essential details and ideas.

文章来源:How to Learn Speed Reading: Techniques & Skimming Tips (wikihow.com)



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