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2023/8/8 16:06:56  阅读:49 发布者:

Do you like animals? Do you have a pet? Join me and Gizmo and learn to speak aboutyour favorite animals! Asking about pets can be a great conversation starter.So in this lesson, we will answer your most common questions about pets. Whatdo North Americans think of their dogs? What questions can you ask people abouttheir pets? Do we call pets "he", "she", or "it"?What sounds do dogs make? What do we call dog and cat hair? Learn the answersto these questions and many more. Take our quiz to practice what you learned inthis useful lesson that will teach you not just English vocabulary, but animportant aspect of North American culture!



Hello.My name is Emma, and this is my friend Gizmo, and today we are going to helpyou learn English. Today's English is all about dogs. Okay? So, let's ask some questionsto Gizmo, and we can get some answers.


Ourfirst question: Do we call pets "he", "she", or"it"? What do you think, Gizmo? Usually for pets we like to use"he" or "she". Okay? So you might ask somebody:"What's her name?" or "What's his name?" when you'retalking about a dog or a cat. We usually use "it" for wild animals,although sometimes we also use "he" and "she" if we want topersonify them. So, majority of the time we use "he" or"she" when we're talking about pets.


Okay,question number two: What is pet hair called? Do you know the answer to thisone, Gizmo? It is called fur. Okay? F-u-r, fur. As you can see, Gizmo has a lotof fur. We use the word "fur" when we're talking about cat hair, doghair, hamster hair. It's what we call fur.


Okay,our next question: What are pet hands called? Okay, let's show Gizmo's off. SoGizmo, what is this called? This is a paw. So, dogs and cats have paws. I'mjust going to put Gizmo down for a second. There you go. Okay, so his hands arecalled paws.


Okay,our next question: What does "canine" mean? "Canine" isanother way to say "dog", but "canine" is more scientificsounding. So if you're reading a science book or something that's formalwriting, you will probably see the word "canine". It's the science...Scientific word for dog. We also have the word "puppy". What does theword "puppy" mean? "Puppy" means a baby dog. Okay? So, whena dog is very small and very young, usually around, you know, two months to oneyear, we call it a puppy. For kittens, that's what we call a baby cat, akitten.


Okay,our next question is a very good one: What sound does a dog make? Sounds arevery cultural. In different cultures, animals make different sounds. For dogs,in English, dogs can either bark, they can say: "Woof woof", or theycan say: "Ruff ruff". Is this different than what dogs say in yourlanguage? If you're wondering with cats or with, you know, all sorts of otheranimals, you can actually check out Ronnie's video which covers a lot of thesedifferent animal sounds if you're interested.


Okay,finally, our last question for vocabulary: What do you call a dog with no home?So a dog that lives in the streets. We call a dog with no home a stray dog, orwe can also say a street dog. So we would say: "That dog has no owner.He's without a family. He's a stray dog." Or: "He is a streetdog." So now let's look at some grammar and pronunciation, and culturaltips about talking about dogs.


Okay,so our next question is a grammar question, and it's a very important grammarquestion. Okay, so let me hold Gizmo. Okay. So, Gizmo, you see these twothings? "I like dog", "I like dogs". Do you know what thedifference between these two sentences are? No? Okay, well, let me tell you."I like dog" is very different than: "I like dogs". Whenyou want to say you like dogs as in, you know, you think they're really cuteand funny, and you enjoy them, you say: "I like dogs" with an"s". This is different from: "I like dog" with no"s". If you say: "I like dog" it makes it sound like youlike to eat dog. Okay? And this is true for a lot of animals. If we say:"I like chicken", it means I like to eat chicken. This is verydifferent from: "I like chickens", which means: "I thinkchickens are cute. I enjoy chickens, and I find them very interesting."


Okay,so the next question is a pronunciation question, and that is: What is thepronunciation difference between "dogs" and "ducks"? So aduck is an animal, you know, that says: "Quack quack", at least inEnglish it does, and a lot of students, when they say these words theypronounce them the same way.




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