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教学资料〡Developing decaffeinated coffee beans 巴西研究人员培育天然低咖啡因咖啡豆

2023/7/31 16:41:17  阅读:37 发布者:

Developing decaffeinated coffee beans 巴西研究人员培育天然低咖啡因咖啡豆

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For the last few years, researchers at the Instituto Agronomico de Campinas in Brazil have been interbreeding different coffee plants that are naturally very low in caffeine in order to create trees where decaf beans are grown naturally.


And the results so far are looking promising. If they're successful, they could tap into a new aspect of the global decaf market, which is estimated to be worth just under $2.7bn. So, for the researchers, these next stages are crucial. Their cloned trees are set to be planted in different regions in Brazil.


However, we'll have to wait and see if their genetic formula has worked, as it can take around two to three years for the first coffee cherries to appear. Only then will they be able to harvest, taste and see if the buzz, or rather lack of, around their experiment is real.



interbreeding (对植物)杂交培育

caffeine 咖啡因

promising 有希望的,前景很好的

tap into 利用,开发

cloned 克隆的

harvest 收获

buzz (人们对流行趋势的)兴奋,期待



1. What type of plants have researchers been interbreeding?

2. Why are the next stages of the research project crucial?

3. When will researchers be able to harvest and taste these new coffee beans?

4. Where will researchers plant their cloned trees?


1. What type of plants have researchers been interbreeding?

Researchers have been interbreeding different coffee plants that are  naturally very low in caffeine.

2. Why are the next stages of the research project crucial?

The next stages are crucial because if they're successful, they could tap into a new  aspect of the global decaf market, which is estimated to be worth just under  $2.7bn.

3. When will researchers be able to harvest and taste these new coffee beans?

They will not be able to harvest and taste the beans until the first coffee cherries  appear, and it can take around two to three years for these to appear.

4. Where will researchers plant their cloned trees?

Their cloned trees are set to be planted in different regions in Brazil.

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