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2023/7/31 16:40:26  阅读:45 发布者:




Text 2向陌生人求助帮忙看包,显示了陌生人之间的信任关系;Text 8意外获得姐姐(妹妹)的一本旧书,对话安排巧妙且有曲折,显现了浓厚的亲情关系;Text 9采访一名学生的上学感受,贴近学生生活、关注学生情感;Text 10推销一本生活杂志,提醒人们享受美好生活。












Text 1 周末计划

W: Jack, are you going camping with your friends this weekend?

M: It depends. If its sunny, well go.

W: The weatherman says its going to rain.

M: In that case, well go to the cinema instead.

1. What will Jack probably do this weekend?

A. Go camping.

B. Visit a friend.

C. Watch a film.

【解析】事实细节题。Jack说如果这周末天气晴朗,他和朋友就去露营。女士说天气预报说要下雨。根据Jack的话“In that case, well go to the cinema instead.”可知,Jack这周末可能要去看电影。故选C

It depends. 视情况而定。

Text 2 求助

W: Excuse me, could you mind my bags for a moment? I want to buy some food at the convenience store.

M: No problem. But be quick. It was announced that my train will arrive in 10 minutes.

2. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Take care of her bags.

B. Pack the food for her.

C. Check the train schedule.

【解析】事实细节题。考查同义转换。根据女士的话Excuse me, could you mind my bags for a moment?”可知,女士请求男士帮她看一下行李。故选A。原文中的mind转换成了take care of

mind 照看;留心(某人/某事物)

convenience store 便利店

Text 3 计划与安排

W: Bob came out of hospital last Friday. Have you got a chance to visit him?

M: I plan to see him this Saturday.

W: Arent you going to the conference then?

M: No. It has been rescheduled for next Monday.

3. When will the man see Bob?

A. This Friday.

B. This Saturday.

C. Next Monday.


reschedule 重新安排

Text 4 因算错账退顾客钱

M: Sorry, Miss. We made a terrible mistake adding up the bill. Here is the ten dollars we have to return to you.

W: Oh, I didnt notice that. Its OK. Dont blame the waiter. Hes been really nice.

4. Why does the man apologize?

A. For the terrible food.

B. For the overcharge.

C. For the waiters rudeness.

【解析】推理判断题。根据男士的话Sorry, Miss. We made a terrible mistake adding up the bill. Here is the ten dollars we have to return to you.”可知,服务员在结账时犯了一个严重的错误,所以男士把10美元还给女士。由此可以推断出,服务员多收了女士10美元,所以向她道歉。故选B

make a mistake (in) doing sth. 在做某事时犯错误

add up the bill 算账

Text 5 新年礼物

W: Do you think we should get Steve a book for the New Year?

M: Books are good. But Steve wouldnt take just any book. He has had this particular one on geography.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Writing a book.

B. Holding a celebration.

C. Buying a present.


Text 6 相约见面

M: Hello, Sara.

W: (6)Hello, David. I cant come for dinner tonight. Sorry.

M: Oh, what happened?

W: Weve got a new case and things get pretty crazy here in the office.

M: Well, then Ill come to you.

W: No, no, not tonight. Let me see if I can arrange another night.

M: Sara, please. (7)We need to talk. Its about my job.

W: (7)Then tell me on the phone.

M: (7)No, its better if we do it in person. How about tomorrow night?

W: Im not sure. You can give me a call tomorrow afternoon.

M: OK.

听第6段材料, 回答第67题。

6. Why does Sara make the phone call?

A. To ask for advice.

B. To arrange an outing.

C. To cancel an appointment.

【解析】推理判断题。根据Sara的话“Hello, David. I cant come for dinner tonight. Sorry.”可知,她打电话告诉David今晚不能和他共进晚餐了。接着她说明了自己无法赴约的原因。由此可推断出,Sara打电话来是为了取消约会。故选C

7. What does David want to do?

A. Go to a dinner party.

B. Talk to Sara in person.

C. Work on the new case.

【解析】事实细节题。根据David的话“We need to talk. Its about my job.”及Sara的话“Then tell me on the phone.”可知,David想找Sara谈谈他的工作,Sara建议在电话里说。结合David的话“No, its better if we do it in person.”可知,他想找Sara当面谈。故选B

in person 亲自

give sb. a call 给某人打电话

Text 7 有客人拜访,着急赶回家

W: Jim will call on us this afternoon. Do you know where he is now?

M: Er... wait. Let me see. (8)He has sent two messages saying that hes done with his work at the office and got a taxi and... and hell arrive in twenty minutes.

W: We cant keep him waiting outside our home. We have to hurry.

M: But it takes at least half an hour to get out of the city center by bus. Look at the traffic.

W: (9)Lets get off. We can save at least twenty minutes by walking through the park.

M: Are you sure?

W: Yes. A hundred percent.

听第7段材料, 回答第89题。

8. Where is Jim now?

A. In a taxi.

B. On a bus.

C. In his office.

【解析】推理判断题。根据男士的话He has sent two messages saying that hes done with his work at the office and got a taxi and... and hell arrive in twenty minutes.”可知,Jim发来两条信息告诉男士说他已完成了工作、打上了出租车,还说他大约20分钟后到。由此可推断出,Jim现在在出租车上。故选A

9. What is the womans suggestion?

A. Going to the city center.

B. Taking a short cut home.

C. Meeting Jim in the park.

【解析】推理判断题。根据女士的话Lets get off. We can save at least twenty minutes by walking through the park.”可知,她建议下车步行穿过公园回家,这样可以节省至少20分钟。由此可推断出,女士建议抄近路回家。故选B

call on 拜访;看望

be done with sth. 完成某事

a hundred percent 完全;百分之百

Text 8 意外获得姐姐的一本旧书

W: Morning, Mark.

M: Morning, Clara. How was your weekend?

W: Great. (10)I went to my grandpas. He invited us to pick vegetables on his farm. My daughter had a great time there. What about you?

M: Oh, I had a truly incredible experience. I dropped by a yard sale on Saturday and got several books.

W: Novels?

M: A novel and two poetry collections. (11)As I leafed through the novel, a piece of paper fell out. It was an air ticket from 2012. The flight was from Los Angeles to Chicago and the name on the ticket was Ashley Louis.

W: Was it?

M: Yes. (13)Ashley, my sister. In 2012, she lived in Los Angeles and her husband worked in Chicago. Both of them often flew between two cities. (12)I asked the seller where he got the book. He said it was bought at a second-hand bookstore in Los Angeles three years ago. Last year, he and his family moved from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.

W: So, all the way cross the country, your sisters old book landed in your hands. Thats really crazy.

听第8段材料, 回答第1013题。

10. What did Clara do at the weekend?

A. She planted vegetables.

B. She went to a yard sale.

C. She visited her grandpa.

【解析】事实细节题。根据Clara的话“I went to my grandpas.”可知,她去了祖父家。故选项C。选项A很具有干扰性,注意录音中是pick vegetables(采摘蔬菜),而不是planted vegetables(种植蔬菜)。

11. What did Mark find inside one of the books he bought?

A. A plane ticket.

B. A family photo.

C. A post card.

【解析】事实细节题。根据Mark的话“As I leafed through the novel, a piece of paper fell out. It was an air ticket from 2012.”可知,当他快速翻阅那本小说时,一张纸从里面掉出来了,那是一张2012年的机票。故选A

12. Where does Mark live?

A. Los Angeles.

B. Chicago.

C. Philadelphia.

【解析】推理判断题。根据Mark的话“I asked the seller where he got the book. He said it was bought at a second-hand bookstore in Los Angeles three years ago. Last year, he and his family moved from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.”可知,他询问书商从哪里得到这本书的,书商说是从洛杉矶的二手书店买的。去年他们一家从洛杉矶搬到了费城。由此可推断出,Mark是在费城买到的这本书,他居住在费城。故选C


13. What is the relationship between Mark and Ashley?

A. Brother and sister.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Father and daughter.

【解析】事实细节题。根据Mark的话“Ashley, my sister.”可知,他与Ashley是姐弟(兄妹)关系。故选A

drop by 偶然访问(某人或某地);顺便访问

yard sale 庭院拍卖

poetry collection 诗集

leaf through 迅速翻阅

second-hand 二手的

Text 9 在印第安纳州上大学的感受

W: Victor, youve been here in Indiana for six weeks now. How are you feeling?

M: I think Ive got used to college life, going to classes, working out and hanging out with my friends. Though theres pressure to meet deadlines, life here is never boring.

W: (15)Whats been hard about being an Indiana basketball player?

M: (15)Well, the training is very competitive, weightlifting and running every day. Its not like high school. In high school, I really didnt have to do that. Im just trying to get used to it. And I think I am.

W: At this point, how do you see yourself fitting into this group?

M: (16)I think were all different. George is from Britain. Chris and Leo are from Australia. Im from France. And the rest are Americans. But I get along with everybody. (17)You know, we are really starting to bond. Its great to see how we grow each day as a team.

W: Thanks, Victor. I wish you a very happy and fruitful stay in Indiana.


14. What is probably the woman?

A. A teacher.         

B. A journalist.         

C. An athlete.


15. What does Victor find difficult as a member of the basketball team?

A. Adapting himself to the intense training.

B. Dealing with the pressure from the coach.

C. Regaining the skills learned in high school.

【解析】事实细节题。女士问Victor作为一名印第安纳州的篮球运动员有什么困难。根据Victor的回答“Well, the training is very competitive, weightlifting and running every day... Im just trying to get used to it.”可知,每天高强度的训练让他难以适应。故选A

16. What does Victor say about the players on the team?

A. They are of the same age.

B. They are similar in character.

C. They are from different countries.

【解析】事实细节题。根据Victor的话“I think were all different. George is from Britain. Chris and Leo are from Australia. Im from France. And the rest are Americans.”可知,篮球队的成员来自不同的国家。故选C.

17. How does Victor feel about his team now?

A. Its about to break up.

B. Its the best in Indiana.

C. Its getting stronger.

【解析】观点态度题。根据Victor的话“You know, we are really starting to bond. Its great to see how we grow each day as a team.”可知,他认为球员之间开始亲近、逐渐增强信任关系,他们的团队每天都在成长。故选C

meet deadlines 在规定的时间内完成任务或达到目标

weightlifting 举重

fit into 适应

get along with 与……和睦相处

bond 增强(与某人的)信任关系

fruitful 硕果累累的;成功的

Text 10 鼓励订阅杂志《闲人》

W: Good evening, dear listeners. When was the last time you enjoyed leisure activities? Do you want to live a full and happy life? Today, Im going to introduce to you a magazine that features the art of living. (18)The Idler was launched by Tom Hokinson, back in 1993. With the intention of providing a bit of fun, freedom and achievement in the busy world, it is now published bimonthly. (19)In every issue, you will find an interesting mix of interviews and essays on the good life, history, philosophy, arts and fashion photography. You will find much to laugh at and much useful stuff as well, from recipes for making bacon to guides to housekeeping. (20)If youve ever felt that there is more to life than boring jobs, then why not subscribe to it? The Idler is a cheering read that makes you feel better about life. You can download the application and subscribe today to get your first issue free.

听第10段材料, 回答第1820题。

18. Who is Tom Hokinson?

A. Founder of a magazine.

B. Publisher of a novel.

C. Editor of a newspaper.

【解析】事实细节题。根据The Idler was launched by Tom Hokinson, back in 1993.”可知,The Idler是一本杂志,由Tom Hokinson发起。故Tom Hokinson是杂志的创始人。故选A

19. What do we know about the content of The Idler?

A. Its old-fashioned.

B. Its wide-ranging.

C. Its student-targeted.

【解析】推理判断题。根据In every issue, you will find an interesting mix of interviews and essays on the good life, history, philosophy, arts and fashion photography. You will find much to laugh at and much useful stuff as well, from recipes for making bacon to guides to housekeeping.”可知,每一期杂志都包含了有关生活、历史、哲学、艺术和时尚摄影等内容。你会发现很多有趣的东西,也会发现很多有用的东西,从制作培根的食谱到家政指南。由此可推断出,这本杂志的内容取材广泛。故选B

20. Why does the speaker give the talk?

A. To do a promotion.

B. To discuss an issue.

C. To introduce a lecturer.

【解析】推理判断题。说话者先介绍了杂志The Idler的创始人、创办时间和内容,最后推荐大家下载申请表、订阅杂志。故推断,说话者是为了推销这本杂志。故选A

The Ildler《闲人》

intention 目的

bimonthly 两月一次;一月两次

issue (杂志或报刊的)期

mix (事物或人的)混合;结合

read 读物;使人感兴趣的书

subscribe to 订阅



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