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What are the differences between -able and -ful?

2023/7/21 14:33:28  阅读:39 发布者:

Here are the differences between -ableand -fulsuffixes, along with examples:


-ableis used to indicate the capability, possibility, or ability to do something. It emphasizes the capacity of someone or something to perform a specific task, action, or activity.


Reliable: This machine is reliable; it rarely breaks down.

Feasible: The plan is feasible; we have enough resources to implement it.

Trustworthy: She is a trustworthy advisor; her advice is reliable.

Sustainable: This project adopts sustainable energy solutions.


-fulis used to indicate the presence of a certain quality or attribute in someone or something. It emphasizes the possession of a specific characteristic or trait.


Beautiful: She attended a beautiful wedding ceremony.

Joyful: They had a joyful celebration with their friends.

Thoughtful: He wrote a thoughtful message to express his appreciation.

Helpful: She offered helpful advice to solve the problem.

These examples illustrate the differences between -ableand -fulsuffixes. Keep in mind that the choice of the correct suffix depends on the intended meaning and context.



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