sonny 在 2022/7/20 11:55:21 对 Frontiers in Psychology《心理学前沿》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:7个月
- 稿件字数:4300字
- 版面费:12000元
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:修改后录用
- 查重要求:15%以下
- 有无课题:无
- 投稿难度:中等
- 见刊周期:1个月
我的点评:审稿规范,3个审稿人,算是主编给的意见4个啦。来来回回7个月,审稿时间算是比较长了。虽然是JCR1区,但是投稿难度比同等影响因子期刊容易。但是也不是网上说的给钱就发,通不过reviewer连给钱的机会都没有。版面费较贵,线上发布到Web of Science收录大概2-3周。现在这个期刊在提高拒稿率。如果国内没有门路,没有大腿抱,没有项目可以挂,发国外SSCI至少比C刊公平,也有机会得到审稿人的反馈,适合寻求进步的科研人。
SSCI零篇记录保持者 在 2022/7/18 17:48:44 对 Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:15天
- 稿件字数:8000字
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:拒稿
- 有无课题:无
- 有无回复:退稿有回复
- 投稿难度:难
我的点评:2022年7月14日通过系统投稿,当天系统状态分别是Building PDF、Needs Approval、Submitted to Journal。
7月16日系统状态变为With Editor。
7月18日被退稿,退稿理由是不符合期刊范围:Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Journal of Pragmatics. After careful evaluation, I regret to inform you that your manuscript does not fit within the scope of the journal, and I must therefore reject it.
SSCI零篇记录保持者 在 2022/7/14 8:50:34 对 System《系统》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:15天
- 稿件字数:8500字
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:拒稿
- 有无课题:无
- 有无回复:退稿有回复
- 投稿难度:难
我的点评:2022年7月11题通过系统投稿,投稿成功后系统状态显示Submitted to Journal,随即收到收稿邮件。
7月13日分配了稿件编号,系统状态变为With Editor。编辑开始审稿。
7月13日晚被拒稿。有详细被拒理由:Thank you for submitting your manuscript to System. After careful evaluation, I regret to inform you that your manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal, and I must therefore reject it.Although your manuscript falls within the aim and scope of this journal, it is being declined due to lack of clear theoretical and pedagogical contribution. This submission lacks a synthesis of studies that could more clearly determine the gap in the filed of L2 writing. It is descriptive in nature and does not show why this type of studies are important (because they are important). Unfortunately, we receive a much larger number of papers than we are able to accept. 退稿速度快,还有详细退稿理由,良心期刊。
荒田 在 2022/7/12 10:08:33 对 Sage Open《Sage开放获取期刊》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:至今1年+
- 我的职称:副教授
- 我的学历:博士
- 是否录用:直接录用
SSCI零篇记录保持者 在 2022/7/11 10:50:00 对 Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability《教育测评、评价与问责》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:15天
- 稿件字数:9000字
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:拒稿
- 有无课题:无
- 有无回复:退稿有回复
- 投稿难度:难
我的点评:2022年6月25通过系统投稿,随后系统状态先后显示Building PDF、Needs Approval、Submitted。
2022年7月6日编辑开始审稿,系统显示Editor Assigned。
2022年7月10日系统显示拒稿,同时收到拒稿邮件:We have received advice on your manuscriptXXX after first review.
Unfortunately, we are unable to put it forward for second review in Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability as your paper does not meet the aims and scope of the journal. The main objective of this international journal is to advance knowledge and dissemination of research on and about evaluation, assessment and accountability in education. In your case we regard specific issues related to EFL to be in focus.
We would like to thank you very much for forwarding your manuscript to us for consideration and wish you every success in finding an alternative place of publication.
SSCI零篇记录保持者 在 2022/6/24 21:02:05 对 Reading and Writing《阅读与写作》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:15天
- 稿件字数:9000字
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:拒稿
我的点评:2022年6月22日通过系统投稿,投稿成功后系统状态显示Building PDF
随后,当天系统状态陆续显示为Needs Approval、New Submission
SSCI零篇记录保持者 在 2022/6/22 8:44:09 对 Assessing Writing《写作评估》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:1个月
- 稿件字数:9500字
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:拒稿
- 有无回复:退稿有回复
- 投稿难度:难
2022年5月27日系统显示状态为With Editor
Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Assessing Writing. After careful evaluation, I regret to inform you that your manuscript does not fit within the scope of the journal, and I must therefore reject it. While your paper addresses issue of interest to Assessing Writing, it does not make the link between your work and the discourses on, and implications for, writing assessment sufficiently clear.
I hope you are successful in finding an alternative publication for your work. For alternative journals that may be more suitable for your manuscript, please refer to our Journal Finder (
We appreciate you submitting your manuscript to Assessing Writing and thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
Kind Regards,
David Slomp