兔子肚饿 在 2023/12/21 16:38:58 对 Finance Research Letters《金融研究快报》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:2个月
- 是否录用:直接录用
- 见刊周期:3个月
一粒尘埃 于 2023/12/24 15:00:18 回应:
要审稿费,150美金,按照改好格式填写好了准备提交,一看150美金审稿费,顿时犹豫了,而且无论是否录用,都不退的。Submission Fee
This journal requires a submission fee to help fund research grants and support the wider community. Submission fees are required for all manuscripts regardless of whether they are accepted for publication.
Please indicate your Publishing Options
As this is a hybrid journal, the journal publishes both subscription and OA articles. We will present your personalized Publishing Options based on the Institution and Funding details you have given us. Please note that at this stage in your submission, you are only indicating your preference. We will ask you to make a final choice after the journal has accepted your manuscript
道阻且长 在 2023/12/13 16:14:56 对 Sage Open《Sage开放获取期刊》 进行点评 我要回应 查看本刊所有点评
- 审稿时间:10个月
- 版面费:10000元
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:修改后录用
- 有无课题:国家级
- 有无回复:有自动回复
- 投稿难度:中等
- 见刊周期:尚无出版