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  • 参考译名《国际乳品技术期刊》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率13.70%
  • 主要研究方向工程技术-FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY食品科技



INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY《国际乳品技术期刊》(一年10期). The International Journal of Dairy Technology is published on behalf of the ...[显示全部]














Author Guidelines


The International Journal of Dairy Technology publishes original papers and review articles covering topics that are at the interface between fundamental dairy research and the practical technological challenges facing the modern dairy industry worldwide. Topics addressed span the full range of dairy technologies, the production of diverse dairy products across the world and the development of dairy ingredients for food applications. Please note that papers must have clear relevance to dairy technology and that reviews must be international in their scope.

Subjects of interest for the International Journal of Dairy Technology include:

The production of all types of dairy products: milk (from different animal species), HTST and UHT products, cheese and other cultured milk products, milk fat products (e.g. cream, butter, anhydrous milk fats, ice cream), concentrated and dried dairy products, fractionated dairy ingredients, and formulated nutritional products containing dairy ingredients (e.g. infant formula, meal replacers).

Advances in dairy processing technology and engineering, e.g. the development and validation of new technologies, the influence of different processing variables, process kinetics, separation science, nanotechnology, encapsulation, emulsion stability, waste management, cost reduction, and sustainable processing.

New product development: e.g. dairy foods with added value and/or possible health benefits, including the addition of probiotics or prebiotics, micronutrients, antioxidants, plant extracts, etc., novel uses of milk proteins, utilisation of dairy waste products, and reduction of fat, sugar (e.g., lactose) and salt levels.

Quality control and analytical techniques, e.g. biochemical, physico-chemical, rheological, flavour compounds, enzymic, microbiological, sensory, safety, accelerated stability, thermophysical, colloidal, plus nutritional composition,

Consumer acceptance (e.g. in terms of health and functional benefits, flavour, mouthfeel, appearance, quality, safety, etc.)

As with many journals, reports on conferences or major commercial events are published occasionally, as are book reviews, the Societys symposia, other conferences or major commercial events.


Article Processing Charges

International Journal of Dairy Technology is a subscription journal that does not charge publication fees, except for articles which are published Open Access. Youll have the option to choose to make your article open access after acceptance, which will then be subject to an APC. You can read more about APCs and whether you may be eligible for waivers or discounts, through your institution, funder, or a country waiver.

Manuscript submission

Submit your next manuscript online using the journal's web-based submission and peer-review system at ScholarOne Manuscripts at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijdt.

Submitted papers are welcomed from all parts of the world and, after peer-reviewing, the Editors will pass the papers to well known reviewers in different countries who volunteer significant amounts of time and their expertise freely. In respect of this, the editors will only send well-organised and rigorously prepared manuscripts to reviewers for consideration for publication. Please note that all papers undergo a preliminary selection process to ensure only suitable papers of good quality are sent for peer review.

We ask that authors carefully check their manuscripts before submission to ensure they comply with the journals instructions. Please click here to see a list of common mistakes. The editors have also provided a submission checklist within the submission process which authors should use to ensure that their manuscripts are sufficiently well-organised for peer review. Authors should take care that all points in the checklist are met before submission in order to give their manuscripts the best chance of being selected for peer review.

The International Journal of Dairy Technology requires that the submitting author provides an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript.

Every attempt is made to secure publication of an approved paper within 12 months.

Article Preparation Support

The English language of papers accepted for publication must be of a good standard; papers will not be sent for peer review unless this standard is met. We recommend that you have your manuscript read by a native English speaker before submission. If in doubt, you can consider having your manuscript professionally edited.

Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design so you can submit your manuscript with confidence. Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.       


If your paper is accepted, the author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email prompting them to login into Author Service where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be able to complete the license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.

For authors signing the copyright transfer agreement

If the Open Access option is not selected the corresponding author will be presented with the copyright transfer agreement (CTA) to sign. The terms and conditions of the CTA can be previewed in the samples associated with the Copyright FAQs below:

CTA Terms and Conditions http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/faqs_copyright.asp.

For authors choosing Open Access

If the Open Access option is selected the corresponding author will have a choice of the following Creative Commons License Open Access Agreements (OAA):

Creative Commons Attribution License OAA

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License OAA

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial -NoDerivs License OAA




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