(IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing)
作者指南Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
1. Open Access
All IET journals are Gold Open Access titles. Submissions will be subject to an APC if accepted and published in the journal. You can read more about APCs and whether you may be eligible for waivers or discounts, through your institution, funder, or a country waiver.
There is no charge for submitting to IET journals.
2. Article Types
The following article types are included in IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing:
Original Research Paper
Report of original research findings and data.
Critically examines the body of research on a particular subject and give insights/informed opinions on the direction and future of the research field.
Case Study
Report on a specific instance of an interesting or particular phenomenon or instance related to research areas covered by a journal’s scope.
Industry Article
A report from industrial-based scientists undertaking R&D on a new technology, application or technique which may facilitate future product development.
Critique of a paper published in the journal to which you are submitting. The authors of the paper that is being critiqued may also opt to write a Reply.
Less formal in tone and style than a research or review article, expressing personal views of the author on a particular subject or theme. These are generally by invitation only.
Perspectives discuss one or a cluster of recently published papers, or a specific technique or application relevant to the journal’s scope. It should include a discussion of the outlook, challenges, and opportunities.
Perspectives are not like research articles – research articles describe novel findings that have been found as a result of research. A perspective is more like a review paper, however, it differs from a review paper because reviews look widely at the current state of knowledge, how it has changed and what the challenges are whereas a perspective takes a narrower focus, e.g. on a single paper or technique. By invitation only.
Rapid Communications
Research papers presenting new research in a brief, more concise and shorter format, to be processed and published quickly. Rapid Communications should be concerned with applications and technologies in the field of power electronics with a special focus on cost-effective, efficient, power dense, environmentally friendly and robust solutions. Submissions must be original and cannot be based on previously published conference papers. The research results presented in Rapid Communications will be of the same high quality as regular research papers but will focus on a single main point, which must be stated succinctly and clearly. Authors eventually publishing Rapid Communications papers found to be of particular interest are also encouraged to expand their work and submit their research as a full Research Article.
Rapid Communications will follow the same structure guidelines for Research Articles but should be a maximum of four pages and will be fast-tracked through the submission system with a dedicated pool of Associate Editors assigned to handle them. A shorter revision time of 7 days will be given to authors to implement any minor revisions and ensure a rapid turnaround.