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韧性城市与结构(英文)(Resilient Cities and Structures)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

《韧性城市与结构(英文)》(Resilient Cities and Structures)(季刊),创刊于2022年,由同济大学创办、国际知名出版商Elsevier负责出版发行。旨在发表韧性结构、韧性系统、韧性城市和韧性管理等方面的高水平研究论文,为国内外相关领域科学研究和工程技术人员提供世界一流的科技期刊交流平台,推动韧性城市建设和相关产业发展,共建人类美好家园。期刊发表研究论文、评述论文、科技速报等多...[显示全部]


















Resilient Cities and Structures



主编:Ying Zhou, Michel Bruneau, Gian Paolo Cimellaro

韧性城市是当前防灾减灾领域的新兴方向。面向国家韧性城市建设重大战略需求和学科前沿,《Resilient Cities and Structures》国际期刊旨在发表韧性结构、韧性系统、韧性城市和韧性管理等方面的高水平研究论文,为国内外相关领域科学研究和工程技术人员提供世界一流的科技期刊交流平台,推动韧性城市建设和相关产业发展,共建人类美好家园。期刊发表研究论文、评述论文、科技速报等多种文章类型。《Resilient Cities and Structures》由同济大学创办、国际知名出版商Elsevier负责出版发行,202111月正式上线,20225月发布创刊号,目标成为国际韧性城市领域具有原创性和引领性的学术期刊。

期刊链接及公众号: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/resilient-cities-and-structures

国际统一连续出版物号:ISSN 2772-7416 (Electronic)




作者指南Guide for Authors



Aims and scope

Resilient Cities and Structures (RCS) is a premium international journal for publishing original research papers, reviews, comments, and perspectives to construct a resilient city in multiple levels and aspects. The scope of the journal includes fundamental research, innovative technologies and engineering applications in resilient cities, infrastructure, structures and resiliencebased management.

Specific interests are given to research and ideas related to the system's resilience to resist disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, fire, floods and hurricanes, etc. The RCS journal is dedicated to providing a forum and advancing the frontiers of the continuously increasing research work worldwide on reducing disasters' enormous adverse impacts on cities' normal operation. Relevant topics include the following:

Innovative resilient technologies for structures, infrastructure and cities

Resilience evaluation methodologies for structures, infrastructure and cities

Lifecycle assessments and health monitoring of structures, infrastructure and cities

Resiliencebased design of structures and infrastructure

Functional interaction analyses among city infrastructure systems

Urban resiliencebased management

Definition of 'Resilience'

Resilience is the ability to plan, prepare for, mitigate, and adapt to changing conditions from hazards to enable rapid recovery of physical, social, economic, and ecological infrastructure. Therefore, within the scope of the journal, improving resilience requires engineering capabilities that can make the physical infrastructure able to rapidly recover their functionality, either as individual structures, as systems, or as interdependent systems.

Types of paper

Full Length Article--Full length articles presenting original research results contributing to resilient cities, structures, infrastructure and resilience-based management. Their contents generally include, but not limited to, an abstract, an introduction, methodologies, results, and conclusions along with references.

Technical Note--Technical notes present (1) original, practical information; (2) preliminary or partial results of research; (3) concisely presented research results; and (4) innovative techniques to accomplish design objectives. Technical notes must not exceed 7 double-spaced manuscript pages including references, figures, tables, and captions.

Opinion Paper--Opinion papers provide a forum for timely presentation and discussion of questions, problems, or topics based on technically sound observation, experience, or judgment for which proof or supporting research may not be available.

Editorial--An editorial is a brief opinion piece concerning the scope, content, direction, or philosophy of the journal or a policy issue concerning the journal scopes. Editorials are occasionally invited but not reviewed. Contributions are usually short, not exceeding 4 double-spaced manuscript pages, and rarely contain tables, figures, or references. Editorials require a title and author byline with current affiliations.

Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.

Ensure that the following items are present:

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

E-mail address

Full postal address

All necessary files have been uploaded:


Include keywords

All figures (include relevant captions)

All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)

Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided

Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print

Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable)

Supplemental files (where applicable)

Further considerations

Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'

All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa

Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)

A competing interests statement is provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare

Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed

Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on journal requirements




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