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东亚语用学(英文)(East Asian Pragmatics)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

《东亚语用学(英文)》(East Asian Pragmatics)(一年3期),创刊于2016年,由陈新仁教授与匈牙利国家科学院语用学研究部主任Daniel Z. Kádár教授联合创办,国际知名出版社——英国Equinox Publishing Ltd编辑、出版。创刊宗旨是增进对亚洲文化背景下语言使用与人际互动的理解,既关注宏观的国家层面的文化,又关注诸如民族地区、实践社区...[显示全部]
本刊为:AMI入库国际刊(2022版) , 外文期刊,

















《东亚语用学(英文)》(East Asian Pragmatics)投稿须知




East Asian Pragmatics的创刊宗旨是增进对亚洲文化背景下语言使用与人际互动的理解,既关注宏观的国家层面的文化,又关注诸如民族地区、实践社区、关系网络等地方性文化。同时,通过聚焦来自东亚国家或地区的语用语料,对语用学学科的理论建构做出贡献。该刊期望能为东亚语用学研究者与西方研究者的学术交流搭建一个合适的沟通平台。为此,该刊约请了一批来自东西方语用学学界的知名学者担任编委。特别是,国际语用学协会秘书长、比利时安特卫普大学Jef Verschueren教授和美国夏威夷大学Haruko Cook教授担任本刊的顾问编辑。




2)英文撰写的书评,字数在2,000 词左右。


East Asian Pragmatics只接受网络在线投稿,该系统的网页地址是:http://www.equinoxpub.com/journals/index.php/EAP




《东亚语用学(英文)》(East Asian Pragmatics)投稿指南



Guidelines for Submission: East Asian Pragmatics

1. Your submission

Language of submission

The language of submission is English. Please follow the present guidelines when you first submit your article for consideration by the journal Editor(s). If accepted, we will send you more detailed instructions for preparation of your final manuscript.


Articles may vary in length, but the length of submissions should not exceed 10,000 words (inclusive of notes and bibliography). The Editors consider submissions that exceed this length only in special cases, e.g. if a submission comes into existence through merging two independent research projects and/or if it covers a very broad area. If you intend to submit a manuscript that exceeds the limit, please contact the Editors in advance.

Book Reviews

Please contact the Reviews Editor before considering to write a review to ensure that the book concerned has not already been assigned. Book reviews do not require abstracts and keywords but do require other metadata referred to below.

Except for the title page reviews should be in the same form as articles. The title page should take the following form:

Aspects of Japanese Women’s Language. Edited by Sachiko Ide, and Naomi Hanaoka McGloin. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan, 1990. Pp. 163. Reviewed by (name, department, university, address, E-Mail).

Titles written in East Asian languages should take the following form:

Yuyong xue yu yingyyu xuexi 语用学与英语学习 Pragmatics and English Language Learning. Written by He, Ziran 何自然. Shanghai: Shanghai waiyu jiaoyu chubanshe, 1995. Pp. 252. Reviewed by (name, department, university, address, E-Mail).

Online vs. Paper Submission

We normally accept only electronic submissions. If you are unable to submit electronically, contact one of the Editors who will assist you. Online submission is a five stage process and you may submit articles or book reviews.

1. Confirmation of Copyright You will be asked to confirm that you hold copyright in the material being submitted and/or that permissions have been cleared to reproduce any included copyrighted material. The journal accepts only original articles which have not been previously published. You will need to clear copyright for any copyrighted material you quote or use, including artwork. Please refer to separate PDF (Permissions Guidelines for Authors).

2. Metadata At Step 2 you will be prompted to supply various types of information known as metadata. This includes a 150 word abstract and three to five keywords as well as other metadata including among other things a short biographical statement including recent publications, your contact details (please include your full name, title and postal address) and appropriate Library of Congress subject classification code/s. This metadata is important because it facilitates the indexing of your article once it is published thus leading to more citations and greater readership. This material is entered separately from your article.

3. Main Text You will then be asked to upload the main body of your article. This part of your submission should be in MS Word and should be SINGLE spaced (including quotations and excerpts, notes, references, tables, and figure captions) and the pages of the manuscript should be numbered. PDFs are not acceptable for submission of articles; however, you can upload a PDF as a Supplementary file following submission of your Word file. See Style below for more information on the style of submissions.

4. Supplementary Files There is a separate step in the submission process to allow you to upload supplementary files and given the nature of languagebased research, they are possibly an important part of your submission. Supplementary files are to be used for all photographs/artwork but not figures and tables. Supplementary files should also be used if you wish to bring to the attention of the Editors any particular features which would be required at the layout stage or to clarify font usage.

5. Stages of confirmation allowing you to make changes and to confirm that all the details are accurate.

Ensuring a Blind Peer Review

All articles are peer reviewed. To insure the integrity of the blind peer-review we need to make every effort to preserve the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

Therefore, when preparing your article for submission, please take the following steps:

Remove your name from the text. If you cite your own publications, be sure to substitute the word ‘author’ for your own personal details and for the actual title of your work cited.

With Microsoft Office documents, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File>Save As>Tools (or Options with a Mac)>Security>Remove personal information from the file properties on save>Save.

On any PDF uploaded, remove author names from Document Properties found under File on Adobe

Please note that improperly anonimised papers are not considered for publication and are returned to the author(s).




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