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语言智能教学(英文)(Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

《语言智能教学(英文)》(Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning)(半年刊),2021年正式出版,该期刊依托中国英汉语比较研究会语言智能教学专业委员会(ChinaCALL),由北京外国语大学于2020年1月发起,同时也是北外人工智能与人类语言重点实验室的重要出版物。期刊聚焦人工智能与语言教学前沿,融合应用语言学、教育技术等...[显示全部]
本刊为:AMI入库国际刊(2022版) , 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,匿名审稿,














Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning




《语言智能教学》(Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning)聚焦人工智能与语言教学前沿,融合应用语言学、教育技术等学科研究成果,推动创新技术赋能语言教学的理论和实践,对具有北外特色的外语教育技术新学科有着重要意义。

Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning (eISSN: 2748-3479), initiated by Beijing Foreign Studies University, is the official journal of ChinaCALL, an affiliate of China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese. The journal seeks to provide an international platform for exchanging ideas, innovations and findings regarding computer-assissted language learning. Research articles and critical reviews are especially welcome in related promising fields. The journal is peer-reviewed, published in English, open-access and issued twice a year by De Gruyter and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

All manuscript submissions will undergo a double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from at least two independent, anonymous expert referees.

Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning




Preparing your manuscript

Before submitting your manuscript to the Journal of China Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning, please ensure you have read the Objective to make sure that the topic of your contribution is relevant to this journal. Please note that your manuscript will be checked for plagiarism via Crossref Similarity Check.

Please submit your papers here: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jccall 

For inquiries send an email to ai@bfsu.edu.cn


Call for Papers

Special issue: Using VR, AR, MR, and XR in language learning

Publication date: December 2023

Deadline for abstract submissions: September 30th, 2022

Further information

Special issue: Online Technologies for Language Learning and Teaching

Publication date: February 2024

Deadline for abstract (within 500 words) submissions: October 31th, 2022

Feedback for abstracts AND Invitation for full papers: November 30th, 2022


Further information

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High quality peer-reviewing

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Do not submit work that has been submitted elsewhere or has been published previously

Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English

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