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Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy(或:DIABETES METABOLIC SYNDROME AND OBESITY-TARGETS AND THERAPY)《糖尿病、代谢综合征和肥胖征:靶标和治疗期刊》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《糖尿病、代谢综合征和肥胖征:靶标和治疗期刊》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.40%
  • 主要研究方向医学-ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 内分泌学与代谢



Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy《糖尿病、代谢综合征和肥胖征:靶标和治疗期刊》(不定期). Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and ...[显示全部]













Aims and Scope

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal. The journal is committed to the rapid publication of the latest laboratory and clinical findings that lead to establishing new paradigms in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or obesity. The journal welcomes original research manuscripts, reviews, expert opinions, and commentaries relating to all aspects of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy will no longer consider meta-analyses for publication.

Specific topics covered by the journal include:

Pathophysiological processes underlying diabetes, obesity, or metabolic syndrome

Diagnosis and prognosis

Novel therapeutic strategies

Epidemiology, screening, and detection

Preventative measures

Management programs

Quality of life, adherence, and satisfaction

Comorbid disorders of the thyroid

Lipid metabolism disorders

The journal will consider case reports and study protocols only if they make a valuable and original contribution to the literature.

When considering submission of a paper utilizing publicly available data, authors should ensure that such studies add significantly to the body of knowledge and that they are validated using the authors’ own data through replication in an original sample.

Plant extract studies will only be considered if the active compound has been identified and validated.


Call For Papers

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy is indexed online:

Pubmed and PubMed Central (Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes)

Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)

Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition

Embase, from 2009 (Correct as at December 8, 2016)

Scopus, from 2009 (Correct as at December 8, 2016)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

OAIster - The Open Access Initiative

Journal Impact Factor: 3.168 (5 year impact 3.602) 

What is the advantage to you of publishing in Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy?

It is an open access journal which means that your paper is available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from the Dove website.

Although Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy receives many papers, unlike most traditional journals, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. We are an electronic journal and there are no limits on the number or size of the papers we can publish.

The time from submission to a decision being made on a paper can, in many journals, take some months and this is very frustrating for authors. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy has a quicker turnaround time than this. Generally peer review is complete within 4-7 weeks and the editor’s decision within 2-14 days of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 9 weeks for a final decision.

Many authors have found that our peer reviewer’s comments substantially add to their final papers.

To recover our editorial and production costs and continue to provide our content at no cost to readers we charge authors or their institution a publication processing fee.

PubMed Central

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy is indexed on PubMed Central (title abbreviation: Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes). All published papers in this journal are submitted to PubMed for indexing straight away.

Become a Favored Author and receive real benefits

If you haven't already joined the Dove Press Favored Author Program I would encourage you to do so. Why? To receive real benefits like fast-tracking and a personal co-ordinator for your paper, as well as a discount on the publication processing fee.

Click here to go through to the Favored Author signup page, you'll just need to supply the working title of your next paper and when you intend to submit by.

Yours sincerely

Professor Ming Zou


Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy

Email: Editor-in-Chief


Author Guidelines

In this section you will find information on the entire submission process for Dovepress Journals. This includes how to format the paper, the language guidelines, referencing, the use of data & clinical trials and the acceptance process. These resources ensure the quality of the journal submissions and that the articles have the best chance of acceptance.

A summary of some of these sections are:

Manuscript preparation

This provides guidelines to the formatting requirements for a submission to Dove Medical Press, with instructions for formatting the document (margins, spacing, etc) and the text (spelling, abbreviations, etc).

Manuscript templates

The templates provided at this link can be used to ensure that the manuscript meets Dove specifications for formatting and structure of the text. The templates can be downloaded and saved to your computer.

Manuscript structure

This section contains a detailed breakdown of each section that the manuscript will contain, as well as all disclosures and acknowledgements that are required by Dove Medical Press. The section also includes criteria for inclusion in the author list.

Figures and tables

This contains specifications for the formatting of figures and tables, including technical requirements such as file types and naming, and graphic requirements such as font size and image resolution.

Clinical trial registration

This provides a clear definition that authors may use to determine if their study will be considered a clinical trial. The section sets out Dove’s requirements for registration of any clinical trial involving human subjects.

Reference style guidelines

In this section, authors will find style requirements for references and examples of how to reference different kinds of material, such as journal articles, books, etc.

Article type definitions

Authors may use these detailed descriptions of different paper types accepted by Dove Medical Press (case reports, reviews, etc) to decide how to label their paper during the submission process.

Invited reviews

This section explains Dove’s polices and procedures for commissioned reviews – please view this section if you have been approached by Dove to write a review paper.

Video abstracts

Here you will find technical specifications and editorial guidelines for authors wishing to include a video abstract in their submission. The section provides examples of video abstracts and instructions on how to submit a completed video.

Guide to submission status indicators

As your manuscript moves through the submission and publication processes, you will see a status indicator for the manuscript in the dashboard of your user account. This section explains each of the status indicators used by Dove Medical Press.


This section provides guidelines for using Dove’s Online Correction Tool, which authors will use to check and amend manuscript proofs during the editorial process.

Does your manuscript need to have its English improved?

Here you will find a link to Dove’s recommended English-language editing service.

Updated 31 March 2021

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