Npj Comput. Mater.: 机器视觉:加速大面积钙钛矿电池优化
2022/7/26 11:11:52 阅读:346 发布者:
近年来,钙钛矿基光伏电池的效率迅速提高,目前已经达到17.9 %,接近单晶硅基器件的效率(20.4 %)。然而现在钙钛矿基器件的最大面积只有800 cm2左右,远远低于单晶硅器件的尺寸(14800 cm2)。解决该问题的关键在于寻找能够实现稳定均匀薄膜的溶液涂覆方法及工艺。而寻找和优化工艺参数的前提是能够快速高效地检测生长薄膜的品质。目前薄膜检测方法主要通过人工实现,费时费力,成为实现工艺参数优化的瓶颈。
该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 7, 190 (2021),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。
A machine vision tool for facilitating the optimization of large-area perovskite photovoltaics
Nina Taherimakhsousi, Mathilde Fievez, Benjamin P. MacLeod, Edward P. Booker, Emmanuelle Fayard,Muriel Matheron, Matthieu Manceau, Stéphane Cros, Solenn Berson & Curtis P. Berlinguette
We report a fast, reliable and non-destructive method for quantifying the homogeneity of perovskite thin films over large areas using machine vision. We adapt existing machine vision algorithms to spatially quantify multiple perovskite film properties (substrate coverage, film thickness, defect density) with pixel resolution from pictures of 25 cm2 samples. Our machine vision tool—called PerovskiteVision—can be combined with an optical model to predict photovoltaic cell and module current density from the perovskite film thickness. We use the measured film properties and predicted device current density to identify a posteriori the process conditions that simultaneously maximize the device performance and the manufacturing throughput for large-area perovskite deposition using gas-knife assisted slot-die coating. PerovskiteVision thus facilitates the transfer of a new deposition process to large-scale photovoltaic module manufacturing. This work shows how machine vision can accelerate slow characterization steps essential for the multi-objective optimization of thin film deposition processes.
转自: 知社学术圈