Author Guidelines
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Submit to:
Dr. A. Famili
Intelligent Data Analysis - An International Journal
P.O. Box 46117
2339 Ogilvie Rd.
Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7
Email: submissions@ida-ij.com
Authors are encouraged to use the IDA LaTeX style file and to follow the formatting rules explained in more detail below. MsWord users can prepare their paper as an unformatted double spaced manuscript. When an article is accepted for publication the publisher will ensure that the article is typeset according to the journal style.
Intelligent Data Analysis invites the submission of research and application articles that comply with the aims and scope of the journal. In particular, articles that discuss development of new AI architectures, methodologies, and techniques and their applications to the field of data analysis are preferred. Manuscripts should be submitted in *.pdf format only. Please prepare your manuscripts in single space, and include figures and tables in the body of the text where they are referred to. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that their content is unpublished material and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Further, it is understood that each co-author has made substantial contributions to the work described and that each accepts joint responsibility for publication.
Publication Fee
When an article is accepted for publication, authors are required to pay US$350/€300. Page charges do not apply to feature articles. The fee is applicable to papers submitted and accepted after July 1, 2016.
Required files
After the article has been accepted, the authors should submit the final version as source files, including a word processor file of the text, such as Word or LateX (If using LaTeX, please use the standard article.sty as a style file and also send a PDF version of the LaTeX file).
Colour figures
It is possible to have figures printed in colour, provided the cost of their reproduction is paid for by the author. See Preparation of Manuscripts for the required file formats.
Open Access option
The IOS Press Open Library offers authors an Open Access (OA) option. By selecting the OA option, the article will be freely available from the moment it is published; also in the pre-press module. In the Open Library the article processing charges are paid in the form of an Open Access Fee. Open Access is entirely optional. See our IOS Press Open Library section for more information about this option.
Organization of the paper and style of presentation
Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are advised to seek the advice of a native English speaker, before submitting their manuscripts.
Peerwith offer a language and copyediting service to all scientists who want to publish their manuscript in scientific peer-reviewed periodicals and books.
Manuscripts should be prepared with wide margins and double (single) spacing throughout, including the abstract, footnotes and references. Manuscripts should be submitted in *.pdf format only. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered. However, in the text no reference should be made to page numbers; if necessary, one may refer to sections. Try to avoid the excessive use of italics and bold face.
Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:
Title page
Body of text (divided by subheadings) + Tables, Figures and Figure captions
Headings and subheadings should be numbered and typed on a separate line, without indentation.
SI units should be used, i.e., the units based on the metre, kilogramme, second, etc.
Title page
The title page should provide the following information:
Title (should be clear, descriptive and not too long)
Name(s) of author(s); please indicate who is the corresponding author
Full affiliation(s)
Present address of author(s), if different from affiliation
Complete address of corresponding author, including tel. no., fax no. and e-mail address
Abstract; should be clear, descriptive, self-explanatory and not longer than 200 words, it should also be suitable for publication in abstracting services
Figures and Tables
Number as Table 1, Table 2 etc, and refer to all of them in the text.
Figures and Tables should be included in the text in the exact location where they are referred to.
Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title.
Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Standard abbreviations of units of measurement should be added between parentheses.
Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Leave some extra space between the columns instead.
Any explanations essential to the understanding of the table should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the table.