Submission Guidelines
When a graduate student/PostDoc or a junior researcher is the co-author of a manuscript we ask the professor/advisor to submit it and be the corresponding author because he/she is in an experienced position to appreciate issues of originality, copyright assignment, and the high standard of publication of rigorously peer-reviewed research journals. The paper will be sent to reviewers only after we have received all the following in the format requested.
Please email the following files to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor H. Adeli at adeli.1@osu.edu as an attachment with a size not greater than 20Mb:
A statement that this manuscript is your “original unpublished work and the manuscript or any variation of it has not been submitted to another publication previously.” This journal does not consider papers rejected by other journals. You may request an exception to this policy but must submit ALL the correspondence and reviews received from the journal that rejected your paper.
The pdf file of your paper prepared in double-column according to the journal template. This will be used to determine the length of your paper as journal pages. There is an overage charge of $250/page for manuscripts longer than 16 pages.
Editable Word or Latex files of your paper prepared in double-column according to the journal template.
A separate document explaining
the computational novelty of the paper beyond the published literature
what significant real-life problem the research is addressing, and
significant finding/discovery of the research.
The names, affiliations, full contact information including email addresses, and h-index from either Web of Science or Google Scholar Citations of six to ten leading researchers as determined by publication of important journal articles in the subject area of the paper outside your region as a Word file. They should not be your advisor, advisee, research sponsor, or research collaborator. They can include senior researchers cited in your paper. I may choose some of the reviewers among them. Please disclose potential conflicts of interest if any. It is natural to presume that any researcher knows the leading researchers in his/her field of study (they are often cited in the paper) (List A).
Who are, in your opinion, the top 10 researchers in the world in the subject of the paper as determined by publication of impactful journal articles in the subject area of the paper? Please provide their names, affiliations, email addresses, and h-index from either Web of Science or Google Scholar Citations. Please send it as a Word file (List B). This will indicate whether the authors are familiar with the latest development in the field and their paper extends the state-of-the-art. This list can include those the author’s advisor, advisee, research sponsor, or research collaborator.
The Conscientious Reviewer form for each author (except students) as a Word file. Please provide just the email address for students.
A Similarity Report using iThenticate or other Similarity Checking software.
The manuscript, including the abstract, references, figure captions and labelling, must be written in fluent English.
The abstracts should not normally exceed 200 words. Number sections with Arabic numerals. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered at the top.
Indicate footnotes in the text with superscript lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.). References should be complete and contain the title of the paper or book being cited; use standard abbreviations for journal names. References may be organised using the following style:
Superscript Arabic numerals in the text, numbered in order of appearance, corresponding to a numbered list of references, e.g.:
M. Mahowald and R. Douglas 1991, "A silicon neuron," Nature 354, 515-518.
F. Fagin and C. A. Mead 1990, "VLSI implementation of neural networks," in An Introduction to Neural and Electronic Networks, eds. S. F. Zornetzer, J. L. Davis and C. Lau (Academic Press, New York), pp. 275-292.
For figures, original indian ink drawings, glossy prints or laserprinted computer graphics are preferred. Number them with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. All essential details (e.g. labelling) must remain legible if the figure is reproduced at half its original size.
Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of appearance.
A pdf version of each published paper will be provided to the first-named author/corresponding author free-of-charge in lieu of the offprints. Purchase orders for the offprints can be made during submission of manuscripts.