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  • 参考译名《IEEE信号处理杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率2.90%



IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE《IEEE信号处理杂志》(双月刊). IEEE Signal Processing Magazine publishes tutorial-style articles on signal processing research ...[显示全部]
















IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

Information for Authors - SPM

SPM is the Signal Processing Society magazine received by every society member bimonthly. Different from other publications that focus on new research results, SPM publishes tutorial articles with comprehensive surveys of important theories, algorithms, tools, and applications related to signal processing. Each issue includes articles from three main categories -- special issue articles, feature articles, and columns/forums articles. Papers in a special issue are focused on a central theme in a mature, critical area that is interesting to a broad audience. Feature articles address relevant subjects related to general signal processing fields of interest. Papers in columns and forums focus on a wide range of topics in digital signal processing and are divided in categories with different objectives and dynamics.


All IEEE journals require an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for all authors. ORCID is a persistent unique identifier for researchers and functions similarly to an article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The author will need a registered ORCID in order to submit a manuscript or review a proof in this journal.

What is a tutorial article?

A tutorial paper should present a systematic introduction of fundamental theories, common practices, and applications in a well defined, reasonably matured, or emerging area, preferably an area that is of interest to readers from multiple fields in signal processing. (The technical scope of a field is determined by each individual technical committee of the Signal Processing Society. An overview paper for readers of a single technical field may be submitted to Transactions of the Society.)

The tutorial article, either as a feature article or as an article in a special issue of SPM, should cover the history, the state of the art, and the future directions. Prospective authors should avoid making a common mistake in covering only their own work or presenting a narrow and biased view. They should also avoid confusing tutorial papers with transactions-style papers, the latter of which usually present new research results or a focused overview specialized in one single technical field. A tutorial paper should be understandable by a non-expert across different fields in signal processing. Therefore, the authors are advised to minimize the use of complicated equations if possible, and instead use layman's terms and illustrations.

What is a special issue?

A special issue comprises multiple, interrelated tutorials that provide a comprehensive coverage of a specific topic of interest to the signal processing community.

What is a feature article?

A feature article is a tutorial paper submitted by prospective authors without responding to any call for papers for special issues. Accepted feature articles are published whenever the review process is completed and the magazine has adequate page capacity, without using a fixed special issue structure.

What is a column paper?

A column is an article, either technical or non-technical (depending on the column's profile) that addresses a specific topic of special interests to the general reader. There are several columns in the magazine, and a column paper should be submitted to the column where the paper fits best.

What is a forum paper?

A forum paper is the result of an open discussion with several experts. The structure of a forum paper is different from that of the papers mentioned above, as it consists of comments and responses of the participants on several aspects within the topic of discussion.

What are the page specifications?

Special issue article: For each paper in the special issue, up to 20 single column double-spaced pages, 11 point font size, including figures, tables and references. The total number of figures and tables may be up to 10 (sub-figures in (a), (b), (c), etc. counted separately). The total number of references may be up to 30. There should be at least 1.25" margin on left and right sides, and 1" margin from top and bottom. The figures and tables should be placed in the center of the column, and not tightly embedded into the text column. For some special issues, the page limit may be even less if more papers are included. In any event, check with the guest editors before writing the full manuscript.

Feature article: Up to 40 double-spaced pages, 11 point font size, including figures, tables and references. The total number of figures up to 15 (sub-figures in (a), (b), (c), etc. counted separately) and the total number of references up to 50. There should be at least 1.25" margin on left and right sides, and 1" margin from top and bottom. The figures and tables should be placed in the center of the column, and not tightly embedded into the text column.

Column paper: For most columns, up to 10 pages with 1.5 pt spacing, 12 point font size, including up to 4 figures, up to 12 references and (for some columns) the short bios of the authors. For columns in the News category, up to 2000 words including 1 or 2 figures and up to 5 references. For most columns in the Resources category, up to 2200 words.

Forum paper: Up to 12 pages, 1.5 pt spacing, 12 pt font size, including the short bios of the forums participants.

What are the submission guidelines?

To submit an article proposal or idea, prospective guest editors or authors are encouraged to contact the corresponding Area Editors or the Associate Editors according to the following guidelines.

Special Issues:

Individuals interested in organizing a special issue as guest editors should submit a proposal to the Area Editor of Special Issues (refer to the Editorial page.) The proposal should include sufficient information and clear evidence addressing the following:

Motivation, timeliness, and importance of the topic (e.g., recent activities in conferences, research projects, and funding programs)

Qualification, track records, and broad representation of the proposed guest editors (GEs). Include short bios of each proposing GE.

A tentative list of topics covered in the special issue.

A tentative schedule of submission and review.

Relation to any recent special issues published or planned for publication in SPM or other journals/transactions/magazines.




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