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  • 参考译名《生化药理学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY《生化药理学》(月刊). Biochemical Pharmacology publishes original research findings and review articles related to the elucidation ...[显示全部]














Guide for Authors

Biochemical Pharmacology is an international peer reviewed journal devoted to publishing original research and invited reviews and commentaries on the interaction of chemical compounds with biological systems. Manuscripts describing experiments conducted with chemical mixtures, plant or animal extracts will not be considered for publication unless the chemical structures and precise concentrations of all substances are reported.

While particular emphasis is placed on reporting findings that relate to pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and metabolism of both small molecules and biologics at the biochemical and molecular levels, submissions in the areas of behavioral and physiological pharmacology and toxicology are considered if they describe studies directed at defining mechanisms of action. All areas related to the field of pharmacology are represented in the journal including, but not limited to, chemotherapy, neuropharmacology, inflammation/immunopharmacology, antimicrobials, behavioral, respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and endocrine pharmacology and toxicology.

Reports describing de novo results of clinical studies and those that predominately or exclusively concern database mining and analysis and computational methodologies, e.g. CAMD, are outside the scope of the journal.

Types of papers

(1) Full-length Research Papers. Biochemical Pharmacology publishes original research on issues of relevance to the field of pharmacology.

(2) Review Articles. Biochemical Pharmacology publishes reviews on topics of interest to pharmacologists. While these articles should be as concise as possible, they must include information and interpretations representing different points of view. Reviews can vary in length from 4,000 to 25,000 words, not including references. Inclusion of tables and diagrams as figures is encouraged. Besides being balanced and accurate in the presentation of data, reviews must be authoritative, state-of-the-art accounts of subjects of topical interest to investigators in the field. Articles that simply summarize published reports without proposing new interpretations, experimental approaches or therapeutic implications will not be considered for publication. As with regular research reports, review articles undergo rigorous peer review to determine their suitability for publication in Biochemical Pharmacology.

Manuscript preparation and submission

Provided below is detailed information on the scientific criteria and manuscript formatting required for an article to be considered for publication in Biochemical Pharmacology. The online submission process includes the Scientific Submission Checklist (Table 1) on the `Additional Information Screen? at https://www.editorialmanager.com/bp/default.aspx. Failure to accurately complete the Scientific Submission Checklist questions, automatically disqualifies the work for consideration. See Mullane et al., Guidelines for Manuscript Submission in the Peer-Reviewed Pharmacological Literature (Biochem. Pharmacol. 97:225-235, 2015; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006295215003585) for a detailed discussion of the issues addressed in the Scientific Submission Checklist.

Table 1. Scientific Submission Checklist

Please answer the following questions with "Yes", "No", or "Not applicable".

Formatting – Only video or audio files may be uploaded as supplementary data. The submission will automatically be rejected if the first question is marked "no" (i.e. supplementary tables or figures are not permitted).

1. As Biochemical Pharmacology does NOT publish supplemental data with the exception of audio or video files, are all necessary data included in the body of the manuscript?

2. Are all tables and figures numbered and appropriately titled with descriptive legends that permit stand-alone interpretation? Are all data shown in the tables and figures also described in the Results section, discussed in the Discussion section and stated in the Conclusions?

Introduction Section

3. Is there a clear statement with background describing the hypothesis being tested by this study? Are the primary endpoints clearly stated?

Materials and Methods Section

4. Were human tissues or fluids used in this study? Were the experiments reviewed and approved by the Institutional review Board (IRB)?

5. Were animals used in the study? Has the species, strain, sex, weight and source of the animals been provided? If used, is the method of anesthesia described? Were the experiments reviewed and approved by the Instructional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

6. Are the source(s) and passage number of cell lines indicated and authenticated by you or the vendor?




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