Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Instructions to Authors
Last updated: January 1st, 2020
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin is published by the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan on behalf of its >17,000 members. Recent redevelopment initiatives are working consistently towards the journal’s primary aim of advancing the pharmaceutical sciences worldwide. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin publishes original, innovative articles from international authors for a large global audience, who access the journal online for free at the newly redeveloped J-STAGE platform.
Aims & Scope
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant and novel contributions on biological aspects of the pharmaceutical and health sciences. Articles can take basic, experimental, applied or clinical approaches; the journal especially welcomes articles that present work at the interface of these areas. Article types include Regular Articles, Communications, Notes, and Reviews.
The journal covers a broad range of topics spanning the environmental, biological, molecular and microbiological aspects of the pharmaceutical sciences. Articles on applied clinical pharmaceutics and the biological aspects of the chemistry of pharmaceutical science are also welcomed.
The journal is supported by the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, which aims to advance the pharmaceutical sciences worldwide. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin therefore provides its global authors with rapid but full peer-review services to select original, innovative, important work that is of the highest interest. A global audience of researchers, clinicians and pharmacists frequently access the journal’s articles, which are available freely online as soon as they are published.
How To Submit
Authors from around the world are welcome to contribute to the journal. All manuscripts must be submitted via the journal’s submission site at https://www.editorialmanager.com/cpb-bpb/.
Original and revised manuscript texts may be uploaded as a Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF file, but a Word file is preferable and required for the final manuscript text. Figures can be incorporated in the Word file, or can also be submitted separately in several other standard formats, except the ChemDraw format. These files are automatically incorporated into a single PDF that the system creates for review.
If you encounter any problems with your submission, please contact the Editorial Office at ronb(at)pharm.or.jp.
Article Type Specifications
The Journal publishes Regular and Invited Reviews, Regular Articles, Communications, and Notes.
Regular Reviews are critical overviews of scientific discoveries in areas of the authors’ expertise. These reviews are expected to include the authors’ own recent interesting and significant results.
Invited Reviews are overviews of important topics that encompass recent scientific discoveries of high interest and significance. They are invited by the Editorial Board.
Regular Articles present original research performed by the authors and must include new data, analyses or information that is of significance and interest to a broad audience.
Communications are shorter articles that demand rapid publication due to the novelty, importance and immediate interest to the journal’s readership. Authors must justify the need for urgent publication in a statement in their cover letter. In general, the main text of a Communication should not exceed 2000 words (approximately 4 printed journal pages).