Osiris is devoted to thematic issues, conceived and compiled by guest editors who submit volume proposals for review by the Osiris editorial board in advance of the annual meeting of the History of Science Society. The latest call for proposals can be found here. For information on proposal submission, please write to the editors, W. Patrick McCray (pmccray@history.ucsb.edu) and Suman Seth (ss536@cornell.edu).
1. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word or PDF files using Times New Roman font, 12 point, and should be double-spaced throughout, including quotations and notes. Notes should be in the form of footnotes. The manuscript style should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.
2. Bibliographic information should be given in the footnotes (not parenthetically in the text), numbered using Arabic numerals. The footnote number should appear as superscript. "Pp." and "p." are not used for page references.
a. References to books should include the author's full name; complete title of book in italics; the publisher; date of publication, including the original date when a reprint is being cited.
1 Mary Lindemann, Medicine and Society in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 1999), 119.
b. References to articles in periodicals or edited volumes should include the author's name, title of article in quotes, title of periodical or volume in italics; volume number in Arabic numerals; year in parentheses; page numbers of article; and, if required, number of the particular page cited. Journal titles are spelled out in full on the first citation and then abbreviated subsequently according to the journal abbreviations listed in Isis Current Bibliography.
2 Lynn K. Nyhart, "Civic and Economic Zoology in Nineteenth-Century Germany: The `Living Communities´ of Karl Möbius, Isis 89 (1999): 605-30, on 611.
c. Journal articles are given in full in the first reference. For succeeding citations, use an abbreviated version of the title with the author's last name.
3 Nyhart, "Civic and Economic Zoology" (cit. n. 2), 612.
3. Special characters and mathematical and scientific symbols should be entered electronically. A small number of illustrations, including graphs and tables, may be used in each volume and should be submitted electronically. Hard copies should accompany the electronic image. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication in Osiris, all associated tables, artwork, and equations must meet the specifications set forth by the University of Chicago Press’s guidelines for manuscript preparation:
Manuscript preparation - tables
Instructions for building and formatting tables according to University of Chicago Press guidelines.
Manuscript preparation - artwork
Extensive information on preparing artwork of all kinds, including bar graphs, line art, photographs, halftones, and color art, with a section on guidelines for preparing digital art files.
Manuscript preparation - math
Guidance in preparing display equations and in-line math, and also how to render special characters.
4. Manuscripts are submitted to Osiris with the understanding that upon publication copyright will be transferred to the History of Science Society. That understanding precludes consideration of material that has been previously published or submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. Osiris is a journal of first publication.