Instructions for Contributors
(Revised March 30, 2015)
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan is a monthly English-language publication of the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. The Journal publishes original research in the fields of chemical engineering ranging from fundamental principles to practical applications. The review process of submitted manuscripts will be overseen by one of the editors listed on the journal web page (index.html). Authors should submit their manuscript files online. Prospective authors should visit the journal web page and follow the "Instructions for Contributors," "Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts," and "Guidelines on Publication Ethics for the Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan" for submitting a manuscript. If you have any questions about the submission process, you may contact the editorial office.
1. Physical Properties and Physical Chemistry
2. Transport Phenomena and Fluid Engineering
3. Particle Engineering
4. Separation Engineering
5. Thermal Engineering
6. Chemical Reaction Engineering
7. Process Systems Engineering and Safety
8. Biochemical, Food and Medical Engineering
9. Micro and Nano Systems
10. Materials Engineering and Interfacial Phenomena
11. Energy
12. Environment
13. Engineering Education
14. General Research and Others
1) Research Papers: Significant and complete research works. Six printed pages maximum.
2) Short Communications (SC): Brief reports or research notes. Three printed pages maximum.
3) Letters to the Editors: Comments and discussion on published papers in the journal. Three printed pages maximum.
4) Journal Reviews: Critical reviews or keynote papers in important areas of chemical engineering. Prospective authors are asked to consult with one of the Editors to check the suitability of their topics.
Manuscripts must be written in English and formatted to A4 or US letter size. Authors are recommended to refer to recent issues for guidance on style. Online jounral articles are available at the following link:
Please refer to "Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts" for more details.
The corresponding author should submit their manuscript under the agreement of all authors. Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not previously been published, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (except patent disclosure(s) of the author(s)). The Editorial Committee will withdraw a submitted manuscript and retract acceptance and the published article, if any misconduct of publication ethics, which are specified in "Guidelines on Publication Ethics for the Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan," can be found.
After acceptance, the author(s) cannot modify the submitted manuscript. Any changes must be addressed through the Editorial office. For the typesetting of the publication, authors will be requested to submit original text and figures online in separate files. All the figures should be of professional quality.
Authors must agree to transferring copyright to the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. No article can be published without this agreement.
Authors are required to pay publication charges at the prices shown below. For Society members and JCEJ subscribers, reduced rates apply.
The contact person of the manuscript will be provided with a PDF file of the article via e-mail.
Research Papers and Journal Reviews
No. of Pages Subscribed Member Member Non-member
6 or less 30,000 40,000 60,000
7 36,000 46,000 70,000
8 42,000 52,000 80,000
9 48,000 58,000 90,000
10 54,000 65,000 100,000
11 60,000 70,000 110,000
12 66,000 76,000 120,000
Short Communications and Letters to the Editor
No. of Pages Member Non-member
3 or less 30,000 50,000
4 36,000 60,000
5 42,000 70,000
Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be written in English typed in two columns fifty-seven lines per column on numbered pages of A4 or US letter size. All figures and tables should be included in the most appropriate locations within the main text, and not placed on separate pages.
A corresponding author will be requested to consent to an agreement transferring copyright on behalf of all authors. All authors will be requested to consent to agreements of submission and authorship.
All authors are encouraged to register or add their ORCID ID when submitting their manuscript or creating their account. The ORCID ID will appear in the published manuscript if an author registers or adds their ORCID ID. Please visit http://www.orcid.org to learn more.
Authors are recommended to refer to recent issues for guidance on style. Online journal volumes are available:
» http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jcej/
Title and authors: This should contain the following items in the given order.
i) Title
ii) Author's names (given name, middle initial and surname), affiliations and addresses. If authors' affiliations differ, these should be identified by use of superscripts 1, 2, etc. Identify the corresponding author and give the telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
iii) If the research has been presented in part at a meeting, give the name, place and date of the meeting.
2) Abstract: A brief summary (less than 300 words for research papers and journal reviews and 150 words for SC) of scope, significant results and conclusions, followed by five keywords. Each keyword should consist of no more than three words.
3) Main Text: For example, main headings will be Introduction, 1. Experimental, 2. Results, 3. Discussion, Conclusions, (Appendix), (Acknowledgment), Nomenclature, and Literature Cited. Leave a blank line above and below each main heading.
i) Equations: Number of equations in order with parentheses. Cite as Eq. (1), Eqs. (3) and (5). Spell out "Equation" if at the beginning of a sentence.
ii) Figures and Tables: Each figure and table must have a caption. Cite as Figure 1, Figures 2 and 3, and Table 1. Color reproduction will be provided at no cost, if it is essential to clarify the description.
iii) Literature: Cite in the text as follows: Carslaw and Jaeger (1960), Tan and Liou (1989a, 1989b), (Carslaw and Jaeger, 1960), and (Tan and Liou, 1989a, 1989b)
iv) Units: The use of SI units is recommended.
Examples: k [W/(m K)] or k [Wm-1K-1], k = 0.58 W/(m K) or k = 0.58 Wm-1K-1
v) Chemical Nomenclature: Use IUPAC or Chemical Abstract conventions.
4) Nomenclature: List symbols in alphabetical order with their definition and SI units. Greek letters, subscripts and superscripts should follow Roman symbols.
5) Literature Cited: Arrange in alphabetical order according to last name of first author, patentee or editor. Refer to recent issues for the style. Important note for authors citing articles written in Japanese.
The Journal requests authors to use only romanized text in Journal articles. If the cited work has an official English translation, authors are requested to use that translation. However, if the cited work does not have an official translation, authors are requested to translate the citation information into English and provide both English and romanized Japanese. Citation of works in Japanese should be provided by authors as follows.
For references that have an official English translation, the English should be used directly. For references that do not have an official English translation, authors are requested to:
i) write the journal title in romanized text (e.g., Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu),
ii) for the case of books or patents, translate the title into English and provide both English and romanized Japanese, and
iii) translate the article's title into English and include the phrase (in Japanese) just after the title.
Carslaw, H. C. and J. C. Jaeger; Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed., pp. 198-201, Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K. (1960)
Konno, M., T. Muto and S. Saito; "Coalescence of Dispersed Drops in an Agitated Tank," J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 21, 335-338 (1988)
Primack, H. S.; "Method of Stabilizing Polyvalent Metal Solution," U.S Patent 4, 374,104 (1983)
Kameyama, H.; "Production Method of Thermal Conductive Catalyst," Japanese Patent Disclosure H02-144154 (1990)
Submission of Manuscripts
Authors may choose to submit a manuscript PDF file or allow the system to generate a PDF file automatically. MS Word or TeX/LaTeX can be used for automatic generation of a PDF file.
All authors should submit their manuscript files trough JCEJ web-based manuscript submission system (index.html). Manuscripts should not be submitted via emails or postal mails.