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  • 期刊简称J APIC SCI
  • 参考译名《养蜂科学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-ENTOMOLOGY 昆虫学



JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL SCIENCE《养蜂科学杂志》(半年刊). The Journal of Apicultural Science is a scientific, English-language journal that publishes bot...[显示全部]






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Guidelines for Authors

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Apicultural Science is a scientific, English-language journal that publishes original research articles, review papers and short communications covering all aspects of the bee life (superfamily Apoidea) and broadly defined apiculture. The main subject areas include:

bee biology

bee genetics

bee breeding

pathology and toxicology

pollination and bee botany

bee products

bee management, technologies, and economy

solitary bees and bumblebees

Open Access License

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license

Authors who publish with this journal retain all copyrights and agree to the terms of the above-mentioned CC BY 4.0 license.

Publication options

The Journal of Apicultural Science has been published by The National Institute of Horticultural Research and Apicultural Research Association twice a year in the paper and online versions since 2001. The Journal is a continuation of the former scientific periodical Pszczelnicze Zeszyty Naukowe, issued from 1957 to 2000. Archive issues of Pszczelnicze Zeszyty Naukowe and issues of the Journal of Apicultural Science published from 2001 to 2011 are available at the original Journal’s website (www.jas.org.pl). Issues published after 2011, are available on the publisher’s website at https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/jas/jas-overview.xml?tab_body=toc-79151

The paper version is available at www.jas.org.pl (subscriptions).

After acceptance, articles are given DOI numbers, assigned to successive volumes and issues, and published online by Sciendo at https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/jas/jas-overview.xml?tab_body=toc-79891 which has used the open-access model since 2012.

The Article Processing Charges (APCs) is obligatory for online publication.

Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted via the Manuscript Editorial System at www.editorialsystem.com/jas by the corresponding author, who acts for all authors. To submit your manuscript, you need to register with the Editorial System of the Journal of Apicultural Science with your data including your email and selected password. Your account will be used for future reference.

Please follow the instructions displayed on the screen after accessing the website. Along with the manuscript file, which should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, the Release Form must be submitted.

Submission of a paper implies that it reports the authors’ own original, unpublished (except in the form of an abstract) work written by the stated author/s, as well as that it has not been accepted and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in whole or in any part. The author/s warrant/s that the article contains no unlawful statements, does not infringe on the rights of others, and is subject to copyright that is vested exclusively in the author/s and free of any third-party rights, and that any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained.

Any funding or support from commercial, public, or private sources, as well as the role of the parties in the experimental design, analysis, and interpretation of results must be declared by all authors and mentioned in the submitted manuscript (Acknowledgements).

Peer review

The Journal of Apicultural Science uses double-blind review, so the identity of the authors is concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.

All manuscripts undergo a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Board. Those that do not fall within the journal scope, are of insufficient general interest, and/or do not meet the “Guidelines for Authors” and/or acceptable standards of English are returned to the author/s. The remaining manuscripts are assigned to the appropriate Section Editor for evaluation.

Each manuscript that passes the preliminary Editorial Board and Section Editor review is evaluated by at least two independent reviewers. The author/s is/are encouraged to suggest reviewer names/affiliations, but the final choice will be made by the Section Editor.

Reviewers are invited to return the manuscript with their comments and suggestions within 30 days from receiving the invitation. Based on the reviewers’ opinions, the Section Editor and the Editor-in-Chief decide whether to accept the manuscript, reject it, or send it back to the authors for revision.

Both, the Editorial Board and reviewers, are obliged to keep all unpublished information confidential.

If the manuscript is sent back for revision, the author/s should correct it in accordance with reviewer comments. The corrected version should be returned to the Editorial Office as soon as possible but no later than 60 days following receipt of the request for revision. After the 60 daytime point, the manuscript will be considered as a new submission. Along with the revised manuscript, an explanation letter must be submitted that describes how the comments and suggestions were applied or why they were not incorporated.

The manuscript revised by author/s is checked by the Section Editor and may be sent for a second review, and both the Section Editor and the Editor-in-Chief make a final decision on acceptance or rejection.

Each manuscript is also verified by the Statistical and Language Editor.




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