Journal of Entomological Science Style Guide
The Journal of Entomological Science (JES) invites submission of manuscripts reporting original research with insects and related arthropods or literature reviews offering foundations to innovative directions in entomological research. Research manuscripts may be formatted as research papers or scientific notes.
Order of Elements
Order of elements for a research paper are: title page, Abstract and key words, introduction (no heading), Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or combined Results and Discussion), Acknowledgments, References Cited, tables, Figure Captions, and figures. Cite tables and figures in numerical order as they appear in the text. Literature reviews and scientific notes should be formatted as described below.
Title Page
The title page should be left justified for all information listed.
The name, complete address, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the corresponding author should be listed first.
A running title of <65 characters should follow that entry. This includes author names and a brief descriptive title (Example: EARP AND HOLLIDAY: Mechanical Control of Dipteran Larvae). For more than two authors, use the senior author’s name followed by et al. (Example: EARP ET AL.: Mechanical Control of Dipteran Larvae).
The full title follows. If the paper is submitted as a scientific note, place the word NOTE in all upper case on the line above the full title. Use either the ESA approved common name (Common Names of Insects and Related Organisms) or the scientific name, but not both. Do not include taxonomic authorities of scientific names in the title. Insert (Order: Family) immediately after the name of the organism. The entire title will be footnoted as to date of receipt and date of acceptance of the manuscript. Example: Received 01 January 2015; accepted for publication 14 February 2015.
Include all authors’ names below the title. The name of the corresponding author should be footnoted with an appropriate email address. Other authors’ affiliations may be footnoted if they differ from the primary affiliation for the manuscript.
Place the complete name and address of the primary institution or other entity in the affiliation byline below the list of authors.
List all Title and Author footnotes last. Do not separate these in a header/footer.
Abstract and Key Words
Abstract. Provide an Abstract of <250 words that succinctly states the purpose of the research and refers to results in general terms. Scientific name and taxonomic authority of organisms are provided at their first mention. Do not cite references, tables, figures, or probability levels.
Key Words. List three to five Key Words in lower case and separated by commas on a line below the Abstract.
Heading Levels
Only two heading levels are permitted. The first-level headings are centered and boldfaced on their own line. These divide the major sections of the manuscript (e.g., Materials and Methods, Results). Second-level headings are paragraph indented, boldfaced with the first letter of the first word in upper case. A period follows the heading.
Internal Style
Use latest edition of Webster’s for spelling. Refer to the CBE 6th Edition for style matters not listed in this Guide.
Use only common names of insects and related arthropods as approved by the Entomological Society of America. Do not abbreviate common names of insects or arthropods (e.g., FAW for fall armyworm).
Scientific names with the taxonomic authority must be provided with the first mention of the organism in the Abstract and in the text. Do not abbreviate names of authorities except for Linneaus with L. and Fabricius with F. Genus name may be abbreviated after first mention except when beginning a sentence.
In-text list designators should be enclosed in parentheses, such as (1) text, (2) text, and (3) text. A semicolon may be used as separators.
Equipment or sources of materials should follow the name of the item/product at its first mention in the text (Example: Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO). A shortened version may be used for other products from the same company or manufacturer (Example: Sigma).
Spell out months in the text, and list dates with day, month, and then year (Example: 31 October 2015).
Technical Style
Numbers. All units of measurement must be metric. Use numerals for single-digit units of time, distance, and quantity and for all numbers 10 and above (Example: 6 weeks, 1.6 ml, 156 km). Spell out numbers otherwise (Example: six experiments).
Statistical analysis. All data reported (except for descriptive data) must be subjected to statistical analysis. Descriptive data should be accompanied by pertinent information such as sample size or number of replications. Experimental designs and statistical methods should be adequately described in the Materials and Methods section. In reporting results, provide an estimate of variance and the sample size with each reported mean. Results of analysis of variance or t-tests must specify the F values, degrees of freedom, and P values. These may be reported within the text within parentheses. Example: (F = 9.1; df = 6, 18; P = 0.0001). In reporting regression analyses, include the model, define the variables, and list the estimates of parameters. Provide in-text citation of statistical software used for analyses.
References In Text
Scientific papers. Use author-year format with no comma separating author and the year (i.e., Earp 2015). List within parentheses in alphabetical order, then chronological with commas separating citations (i.e., Earp 2013, Earp 2015, Earp and Holliday 2015). Use et al. with first author name for those citations with three or more authors (i.e., Earp et al. 2015). It is acceptable to cite URLs in the text without including an entry in the References Cited section.
Scientific notes. Only shortened in-text references are used in Notes with no References Cited section at the end of the manuscript text. For these citations, list author last name, date of publication, journal or book citation, and volume and page ranges (i.e., Harp et al. 2015, J. Entomol. Sci. 50:1201-1205).
Figure and Table Citations In Text
Figures and Tables may be cited in the text or within parentheses. Examples are: Fig. 1, Table 1, (Fig. 1A, B), (Table 1, Fig. 1A).
References Cited
References should be listed in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. List all authors for each citation using initials for first and middle names (no spaces between initials). The authors’ names and the year of the citation should be in boldface print. Use Biosis for journal abbreviations.
Table and Captions
Figure and Table captions should be in boldface print. Table captions should be placed at the top of each Table and left justified. All Figure captions are listed on a single page at following any Tables. No Figure captions are to be placed directly on the Figures. Captions end with a period.
Place tables on separate pages after the References Cited section. Create tables in MS Word Table formats. Column headings should be centered, and bold upper and lower case letters. Entries within columns should be left justified and not bold. All footnotes are left justified after the table and are designated with *, **, †, ‡, etc.
Please refer to Allen Press Guide to Digital Art Specifications for information on preparation of images, graphs, digital photography for publication in JES. Each figure must be placed in individual files.
Literature Reviews
Literature reviews may follow a different format than those of scientific papers or scientific notes, but should include an Abstract and an appropriate Introduction. The remaining sections of the paper will largely be left to the authors of the review. References should be cited in the text and in a References Cited section as described for scientific papers.
Notes are designed to share original research and observations that may not have been sufficiently replicated for acceptance as scientific papers. These are short communications with none to few tables or figures. Notes do not contain an abstract or separate text sections (e.g., introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion). References are cited within the text by placement of authors’ last names, date of publication, and journal or book citation within parentheses).