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Instructions for Authors
Manuscripts should be written in English and should contain
name(s) of author(s)
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification Numbers, and key words and phrases
body of the paper
affiliation(s), address(es) and e-mail address(es)
in this order. For symbols and style conventions, authors should consult current issues of the journal. Color printing may be accepted with some possible charge.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the HMJ office via e-mail in the form of attached pdf-file(s). In case your submission is via postal mail, please send the manuscript in duplicate to the HMJ office. Attached should be a separated sheet containing
the title of the paper
the mailing address (and an e-mail address) of the author who is responsible for proof-readings
the running title (condensed title of less than 30 characters).
The manuscript will not usually be returned to the author.
It is preferred that manuscripts be prepared using a LaTeX2e style file with no special macros. Then it is only necessary for the author to submit a LaTeX source file together with a pdf file (or a dvi file) and (a), (b) and (c) to the HMJ office by e-mail. If the source file cannot be compiled, then the author may be asked to send a printed manuscript as well.
The LaTeX style file of HMJ and its documentation can be obtained from here .
When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will be asked for the LaTeX source file and the pdf file (the dvi file) which must be identical to that of the final version of the manuscript.
The pdf files of papers published in the journal will be offered to the public without charge on the journal's homepages HMJ on line and Project Euclid .
The author will be asked to give consent for the journal to publish electronically as well as in print. Authors reserve the right to post their papers on the authors' homepages.
The address and the e-mail address of the HMJ office are:
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal,
Mathematics Program,
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering,
Hiroshima University,
739-8526 Japan
Tel: +81-82-424-7350
Fax: +81-82-424-0710
e-mail : hmj@...
Please complete the e-mail address by adding ``hiroshima-u.ac.jp" after the "@" mark.
CAUTION: The E-mail address had been changed (April 1st, 2017).