Annals Geophysics
Submission to AG is understood to imply that the manuscript is original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscript must be submitted through our online submission system: please read carefully the instructions on this web site.
Before starting the online submission process please make sure you have the following available:
A cover letter with 3 to 5 suggested reviewers for your paper, the selection of both the specific sector and the Associate Editor to handle the paper. For each potential reviewer the following information must be reported: Name and Family name; Institutional Address (University/Institution Department) and its Web page; E-mail address. At least three suggested reviewers must have a different citizenship than the first author.It is anyway option of the Associate Editors to accept or decline this suggestion.
A file with your manuscript text (title page, list of authors, their email and affiliations, abstract, article body, captions and tables) in one of the most common document file formats (preferably .doc, .docx or .rtf), we do not accept manuscript in Latex or Tex;
The image files (preferably in .tiff or .eps format) to be uploaded as separate files;
A file with your complete manuscript — text + figures — in pdf format, which will be helpful to facilitate the reviewers' work and to avoid any formatting problems. Authors are requested to number the pages of the paper as well as all the lines of the text.
Manuscript Composition
Title page: the title page must include the title, author first and last names, full institutional addresses of all authors, and correspondence email for proofs. If the title is longer than 40 characters, you must provide a shortened form of 40 characters or fewer to appear as a running head above the pages of the published paper and on the cover label.
Abstract: the abstract should be intelligible to the general reader without reference to the text. After a brief introduction of the topic, the summary recapitulates the key points of the article and mentions possible directions for prospective research. Reference citations should not be included in this section and abbreviations should not be included without explanations.
Subject classification: in order to condense the main topic of the paper, five key-words must be chosen.
Sections: the headings of all sections, including introduction, results, discussions or summary must be numbered. Use American English spelling. Define all technical terms, symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations. Cite all figures and tables in numerical order. Define all abbreviations and acronyms once at beginning. If your first language is not English, ask for a help with the grammar, as a paper whose meaning is unclear may be refused.