《中草药(英文版)》作者须知Instruction for Authors
Chinese Herbal Medicines (CHM) is an official international journal sponsored by Tianjin Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. The purpose of CHM is to provide a forum for the studies on Chinese herbal medicines, phytomedicines, and natural products as well. The journal will accept the following contributions: letters, original articles, review papers, short communications, book reviews, conference announcements, information, etc. The journal involves the studies on active ingredients and complex formulations of herbal medicines in medicinal resource, phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic function by experiment and clinical trials. It is the interest of this journal to introduce the latest development in pharmaceutical sciences to readers.
The journal is included in the following databases: ESCI, PubMed Central, Scopus, DOAJ, CAB ABSTRACTS, CAS, EMBASE, IC, UPD, Global Health, etc. Since 2013, CHM has been selected as one of the Chinese Core Periodicals of Science and Technology for nine consecutive years. In 2019, CHM was successfully selected by China Association for Science and Technology for the China Science and Technology Journal Excellence Action Plan. The journal has been awarded the distinction of Excellent International Impact Academic Journals of China in 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
1. Submission of manuscripts
Authors could submit their manuscripts through online submission http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/chm. The following should be complied with: size of character 12 point, double-spaced, consecutive numbering of the lines and pages. The text should be in Word document for Windows.
2. Structure of manuscripts
2.1 Title
Please provide a title that is concise, informative, and relevant, ideally it should contain no more than 30 words.
2.2 Authors and affiliation
Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled. Capitalize the first letter in the surname(s) and spell out the given name(s) in full-name form. The corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk (*) to the right of the name and the e-mail address given in the footnote. The affiliation of each author should be provided, including complete address information (city, zip code, and country). Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address.
Any change in authorship must be approved in writing by all authors. Authors who have contributed equally should be marked with a superscript symbol (1). The following statement added in the footnote: “These authors contributed equally to this work”. The equal roles of authors should also be adequately disclosed in the authors’ contributions statement.
2.3 Abstract
The paper should contain an abstract with 200–300 words in English. The abstract should summarize the main points of the article. The structure form of the abstract should consist of Objective (purpose of the study), Methods (basic procedures), Results (final findings with main data), and Conclusion (potential possibility on the result).