《Optoelectronics Letters》(光电子快报)是由天津理工大学主办、德国Springer-Verlag(斯普林格)出版社海外发行的国际英文学术期刊,期刊涵盖新型光电子器件、光电控制和检测、光存贮和光电信息处理、通讯和光纤应用技术、光计算和光学神经网络、激光和光电生物医学、视觉图像处理等多个领域。《Optoelectronics Letters》自创刊以来,严格遵循国际期刊出版标准和学术诚信准则,在国际学术和出版界的影响力快速提升,先后被美国工程信息公司(Engineering information Inc.)出版的EI Compendex、科睿唯安ESCI、全球著名文献和引文数据库SCOPUS及INSPEC收录。
Information for Contributors
The goal of Optoelectronics Letters is to rapidly report original, new and important results in the fields of photonics and optoelectronics in English to advance the international academic exchanges. Optoelectronics Letters pays a particular attention to the cross topic between photonics and electronics.
The scope of Optoelectronics Letters is as follows: novel optoelectronic-devices and applications; new photoelectric materials and functional components; nano-structures and photoelectric integration; nano-quantum optoelectronics; optoelectronic information technology; optical sensing and communication; measurement, inspection and metrology; storage and display; optical image and information processing; laser and nonlinear optics; biomedical photonics, etc.
Optoelectronics Letters is one of the important windows to reveal the development of photonics and optoelectronics in China and other countries as well. Currently, it is included in the world's important retrieval systems, including ESCI/ EI Compendex / Scopus / INSPEC, etc.
Submission of Manuscripts
The submitted manuscripts should be the original work of the authors that has not been previously published in a refereed journal and it is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Each manuscript should be no more than five journal pages.
The manuscripts should be submitted through www.oelett.com or www.oelett.net.