我院成功创办国际学术期刊Folk, Knowledge, Place
为助力学校“双一流”建设,推动学校国际化事业发展,提升学科的国际学术影响力,在学校领导和社科主管部门的指导下,华南理工大学外国语学院充分发挥外语学科优势,于2023年8月成功创办同行评审国际期刊Folk, Knowledge, Place(简称FKP)。
我院Adam Grydehøj教授担任FKP主编。Adam Grydehøj教授长期从事岛屿研究,在国际学术界享负盛名,拥有丰富的国际期刊运营与管理经验,其影响力将为FKP注入丰富的国际学术资源。此外,期刊的专家委员会由10余位来自不同学科的专家组成,包括在岛屿研究、区域国别研究及跨文化研究领域卓有建树的S. Munirah Alatas教授、Sally Campbell Pirie教授、Arup Chatterjee教授、苏娉教授、朱献珑教授等国内外学者。期刊运营团队将努力在五年内将FKP打造为SSCI和A&HCI双检索期刊。
FKP是继Island Studies Journal(SSCI期刊)之后,由我院负责运营的第二本国际学术期刊。近年来,学院坚持学科融合发展理念,积极对接国家战略和区域经济社会发展需求,率先在外国语言文学一级学科下设立国别和区域研究学科方向,智库平台建设取得显著成效,印度洋岛国研究中心先后入选教育部高校国别和区域研究高水平建设单位、中国智库索引(CTTI)来源智库。FKP的成功创办将凝聚跨地域群体研究领域的前沿知识,为我校的新文科建设和发展注入新动能,助力国别与区域研究发展,提升我国的国际学术话语权和影响力。
For Authors
Submission requirements
Authors should read the below guidelines carefully as manuscripts that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be published.
Folk, Knowledge, Place publishes standard papers (5001-10,000 words) and short papers (3000-5000 words). The short paper format is best suited for groundbreaking conceptual or theoretical papers that seek to make a strong impact on the field but do not require lengthy descriptions of study methods or results.
Papers must meet the word length requirements (3000-10,000 words), including references, the contents of any tables, title, and abstract.
These length guidelines also apply to resubmissions and revisions of existing submissions: Papers that exceed the maximum word count at any stage in the editorial process will be returned to authors for shortening.
See the note on figures/tables below.
Figures and tables
Ordinarily, manuscripts can have a maximum of four figures/tables. This is due to production costs. In the event that more figures/tables are necessary for your paper, these can be included at a cost of US$50 per figure/table in excess of four. That is, if your accepted manuscript has six figures/tables, it will be necessary pay the journal US$100 prior to publication.
Submit photographs as JPEG files with a resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi). Submit other images as PNG files. Please both submit all photographs, tables, and other figures as separate file attachments and include these in the appropriate places in the manuscript to assist in the review process.
Please make sure that it is possible for your figures and tables to fit legibly within the ordinary margins of a page. It is not acceptable to change the orientation of the page from portrait to landscape. If you submit a larger image, it will probably look worse when shrunken down to the size necessary to fit it into the journal.
If you are designing a table using Microsoft Word or other software, that is fine; however, please ensure that all elements of your table fit within the page margins, and make the table as stylistically simple as possible.
If authors incorporate any images from third parties, they must ensure (at their own expense) that any copyrighted material submitted for publication in the journal is appropriately cleared with the respective copyright holders. Do not include third-party images in your manuscript unless you have already received permission from the copyright holder to include it, or unless the source of the image clearly states that it may be freely reproduced. If your manuscript includes a third-party image that is not self-evidently freely reproducible (for example, if it has been appropriately attributed to its creator and linked to a file on Wikimedia), then please include a document from the image’s copyright holder confirming that you have the right to reproduce the image. If you are unable to determine the copyright holder of an image or are unable to contact the copyright holder, then you are not permitted to include the image in your manuscript.
Manuscript format
Folk, Knowledge, Place operates a double-blind peer review process. All identifying information must be removed from the Manuscript File prior to submission.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx) format. Footnotes and endnotes are not permitted. All information must be placed in the body of the manuscript. Please remove all reference-linking field codes and automatic formatting (for example, for section heads and sub-section heads) prior to submitting your manuscript.
All papers must be written in easily comprehensible English. Any regional variety of English is acceptable as long as authors are consistent. Papers that are not written in easily comprehensible English will be rejected immediately or sent back to the authors for revisions.
Style and references
Citations, references, and style follow the APA 7 (American Psychological Association) format. You can find a guide to citing and referencing in line with the APA 7 format here: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples. You are welcome to use reference management software to assist you with your references and citations, but it will always be necessary for you to manually check to ensure that references are complete.
Always provide a full citation; do not use (ibid.). Please ensure that in-text citations always either immediately follow the author(s)’ name(s) or include the author(s)’ name(s). It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that citations and references are correct and in the APA 7 style. Papers that are not presented in the APA 7 style will be rejected immediately or sent back to the authors for revisions.
Editorial and peer review process
All papers undergo a rigorous double-blind review process. Papers must fit within the journal’s stated scope. In submitting a manuscript to Folk, Knowledge, Place, authors are confirming that they do not have an identical or similar manuscript under review, or somehow being considered for publication, with any other journal at the same time. They are also confirming that no version of the paper is already published online in any form.
Folk, Knowledge, Place follows the Committee on Publication Ethics’ ‘Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors’. With the exception of editorial introductions, all papers published in the journal are subject to double-blind peer review by a minimum of two double-blind reviewers, with at least one reviewer being external to the editorial board. This standard also applies to papers authored or coauthored by members of the editorial board. Reviews are owned by the authors of the reviews. Peer reviewers will be asked to abide by the Committee on Publication Ethics’ ‘Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers’.
Conflicts of interest
Actual, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest must be declared at the time of article submission or as soon as such conflicts arise. Conflicts of interest include professional, business, financial, personal, or legal relationships between an author and an organisation being studied or discussed in a paper, which could influence the manner in which the research has been conducted and/or presented. Conflicts of interest are not in themselves reasons for rejecting a paper, but such conflicts may affect the way in which a paper is assessed. Failure to declare actual, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest may result in rejection of submitted articles or retraction or clarification of published articles. For questions involving conflicts of interest and other ethical issues, please contact the editor agrydehoj@islanddynamics.org.
Copyright on manuscripts is held by the authors, and articles are published under the CC BY-ND 4.0 license.