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农业与农村研究(英文)(Agricultural & Rural Studies)(国际刊号)(2023-2025年不收版面费) (官网投稿)

《农业与农村研究(英文)》(Agricultural & Rural Studies)(季刊),创刊于2023年,由浙江农林大学暨阳学院主办。期刊致力于为世界各地农业和农村研究领域的学者提供一个创新、高效和专业的平台,以提供不断扩展和深化的科学领域的前沿发现。旨在发表农学和农村经济学、农村社会学、农村地理学等相关领域的基础和应用研究进展。欢迎农学和农村女性学、农村经济学、农村社会学、农村地理学等相关领域的R...[显示全部]

















Agricultural and Rural Studies简介



Agricultural and Rural Studies》是一个完全开放存取(OA)的学术期刊。期刊致力于为世界各地农业和农村研究领域的学者提供一个创新、高效和专业的平台,以提供不断扩展和深化的科学领域的前沿发现。《Agricultural and Rural Studies》还是一个国际化的多学科和跨学科平台,旨在发表农学和农村经济学、农村社会学、农村地理学等相关领域的基础和应用研究进展。

Agricultural and Rural Studies》的发展目标是立志成为世界一流的公益性学术期刊:三年进入SCISSCI双收录,五年IF>6进入二区顶刊;以三农问题研究为载体,以共同富裕为目标,以乡村振兴为主线,构建具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的学科体系、学术体系和话语体系,为乡村实现中国式现代化贡献一份力量。

目前,《Agricultural & Rural Studies》由国家林草局共同富裕长三角林业国家创新联盟理事长、湖州师范学院原校长张立钦教授任主编,浙江农林大学教授吴延熊任执行主编。《Agricultural & Rural Studies》的编委由2位院士、1位联合国科教文组织教席、1位讲席教授以及9个国家和地区的24位知名学者组成。《Agricultural & Rural Studies》首刊共发表六篇文章:第一篇是中国农业大学讲席教授樊胜根等的Perspective(前瞻性文章);第二篇是西南林业大学胥辉教授等的Review(综述);第三篇是意大利作者研究罗马尼亚的Article(研究论文);第四篇是缅甸农业大学与澳大利亚墨尔本大学合作的Article(研究论文);第五篇是澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学与浙江农林大学合作的Article(研究论文);第六篇是西班牙作者的Commentary(评述文章)。四种类型的文章齐全,国外作者为主。《Agricultural & Rural Studies》不仅编委国际化,作者也国际化。

此外,《Agricultural & Rural Studies》是季刊,每年6月、9月、12月和1月出版。每期6篇文章。每期封面向世界推荐中国的一个特色村,首刊选用妇女能顶半边天思想重要发源地的建德市千鹤村作为《Agricultural & Rural Studies》首发封面,并配Cover Story;每期封底推荐能工巧匠的一件手工艺品,首刊选用浙江农林大学俞以撒老师的玉雕作品丰收。《Agricultural & Rural Studies》编辑部认为:一件好的雕刻作品,不单单活在当下,更要记录这个伟大的时代。俞以撒老师的作品精雕细琢、璀璨光芒。

Agricultural & Rural Studies》在线投稿系统欢迎农学和农村女性学、农村经济学、农村社会学、农村地理学等相关领域的Review(综述)、Article(研究论文)、Commentary(评述性文章)和Perspective(前瞻性文章)。投稿地址:www.sccpress.com


Author Guidelines作者指南



Author Guidelines


The journal Agricultural & Rural Studies is an international multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary platform for communicating advances in fundamental and applied studies on agronomy and associated subjects to revitalize the rural development.

It is a fully Open Access (OA) journal and the Article Publishing Charges (APC) are waived in the first 3 years. The journal seeks to publish original research articles, reviews, commentary and perspective papers. It is dedicated to serving as an innovative, efficient and professional platform for scholars in the field of agricultural & rural studies around the world to deliver cutting-edge findings from theses continuously expanding and deepening fields of science.

(1) Covers multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects in agronomy, and contemporary agricultural, rural and farmers’ issues and policy, as broadly defined by the disciplines of rural economics, sociology, geography and cognate subjects.

(2) Served by a renowned, dedicated, and international editorial board in agricultural & rural studies.

(3) An Open Access journal with no Article Publishing Charge (APC) for the first 3 years.

1.  Article Types

Getting familiar with the different types of articles published by A&R journal is helpful. Despite the variety of names under which articles are published, most articles are of one of the following types: Original Research, Review, Perspective, Commentary.

1.1 Original Research Article

Full-length original scientific publication, articles of this type should not exceed 8,000 words (including tables, references, captions for figures and endnotes) and 12 images. Exceptional research articles longer than 8000 words will only be accepted if the Editors consider that the topic warrants an increase in length.

1.2 Review Article

Overview of a specific field of scientific literature, a review article should not exceed 10,000 words (excluding references). The purposes of review articles are to synthesize and evaluate the recent primary literature on a topic, to summarize the current state of knowledge on a topic, to address controversies or to provide a comprehensive list of citation. A review article would analyze recent research published by scholars in the field, providing a valuable reference from the perspective of theory. Well-written and well-organized review might have 50 to 100 references.



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