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Mathematics in Computer Science(参考刊名:计算机科学中的数学)(国际刊号) (Email投稿)

Mathematics in Computer Science(季刊),创刊于2007年,是由北京航空航天大学主办的国际学术期刊。该刊为季刊,由郑志明副校长和王东明教授担任主编,全世界范围内公开征稿,主要刊登有关计算机和信息科学中的数学(问题、理论、方法等)方面的高质量学术论文。













投稿指南Submission guidelines



Instructions for Authors

General Information

All submitted papers must adhere to the instructions for authors given below. Please prepare your submission using the Springer Nature LaTeX template.

Submissions to MCS are by e-mailing the .pdf file exclusively.

In the submission e-mail, authors are encouraged to mention two members of the MCS Editorial Board that they consider suitable to handle their submission.

We furthermore ask for a list of ten to twenty potential reviewers, who do not have a conflict with the authors. Geographic diversity should be taken into account. The large number allows us to protect the anonymity of the reviewers. If it turns out to be a problem to provide such a list, the submission might be better suited for a more specialized journal.

Owing to the broad scope of the journal, submissions are expected to come with a thorough introduction addressing a wide audience from Mathematics and Computer Science. Some guidelines can be found here.

At the time of submission, the manuscript should be ready for publication from the point of view of all authors. Our processing of manuscripts then proceeds in three phases as described below.

Suitability Assessment

We expect that the submitted manuscript has been spell-checked by the authors and proofread by each author completely, including Title, Abstract, and References. Manuscripts with orthographic or obvious grammatical errors will be returned to the authors with a request for correction. Please understand that it is not the role of the editors, the reviewers, or the publisher to list such errors.

The manuscript should clearly motivate that the work is within the Aims and Scope of the journal. The original scientific contributions should be clearly identified. The introduction should be suitable for the journal's broad readership. Finally, our experience allows us to anticipate typical points of criticism from reviewers at an early stage. It is not uncommon for us to ask for revisions at this point. This causes effort on our part, which we see as service and support for the authors.

At the end of the suitability assessment, the manuscript is either rejected or advanced to the peer review stage.

Peer Review

The journal follows a single-blind reviewing procedure.

The submission is assigned to a member of the editorial board, who serves as the handling editor. Handling editors act independently and are the contact person at the journal for the authors. They obtain peer reviews, decide on necessary revisions, manage those revisions, and finally return the submission to the Editor-in-Chief with a recommendation for either acceptance or rejection.

The Editor-in-Chief informs the authors about the final decision.


After acceptance, the production editor will contact the corresponding author. She will ask for the Latex sources of the manuscript and guide the authors through the production process.

The article will be newly typeset from scratch. Fine optimizations of the typesetting by the authors are often lost and can lead to misunderstandings. Please use Latex first and foremost as a markup language.




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