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整合肿瘤学(英文)(Holistic Integrative Oncology) (官网投稿)

《整合肿瘤学(英文)》(Holistic Integrative Oncology)(月刊),是由中国抗癌协会与Springer & Nature出版集团强强联合打造的一本旗舰英文大刊。2021年10月正式出版创刊号,是国际上第一本传播整合肿瘤学理念,关注恶性肿瘤“防-筛-诊-治-康-管”六位一体全程健康模式,覆盖肿瘤全学科研究的英文学术期刊。期刊设有专家述评、CACA指南、综述和原创论著四个栏目...[显示全部]











Holistic Integrative Oncology (HIO)





中文 《整合肿瘤学》

英文 Holistic Integrative Oncology (HIO)


Holistic Integrative OncologyHIO)(《整合肿瘤学(英文)》)是由中国抗癌协会与Springer Nature出版集团强强联合创办的一本旗舰英文期刊。202110月正式创刊,2022428日全面上线,是国际上第一本传播整合肿瘤学理念,关注恶性肿瘤-----六位一体全程健康模式,覆盖肿瘤全学科研究的英文学术期刊。



地址  天津华苑新技术产业园区兰苑路5A10

电话  022 - 23359958-807

传真  022 - 23526512

邮箱 hio@caca.org.cn

网站 https://link.springer.com/journal/44178/


投稿指南Submission guidelines



Instructions for Authors

Article Types

Holistic Integrative Oncology publishes Research, Review, Guideline, Letter and Commentary.

Research: the articles should include 5,000~7,000 words in the main text (excluding the title page, references, figure legends, tables and figures) and have no more than 8 figures and tables in total.

Review: the review paper should cover a wide range of the advances related to the topic and include at least 4 figures and tables, and approximately 10,000 words (not including references).

Guideline: evidence-based, systematically developed recommendations for achieving standardized research or clinical practice, and approximately 10,000 words.

Letter: letters provide rapid and concise report of a novel finding that is brief in nature but is of general interest to the field. There should include max 1 figure or table and less than 1200 words in the main text, and have no more than 10 references.

Commentary: A Commentary presents discussion on an issue(s) of public interest that has broad impacts on horticulture research (e.g. policy, funding, ethics, etc.) or relevant scientific issues that have significant impacts on the wellbeing of our society. A Comment paper should have no more than 2,500 words in main text, with a maximum of 3 figure/table/diagram and 10 references. The in-text citation and references should be formatted as those described for Research Article above.

It is the Corresponding Author’s responsibility to ensure that he/she has the correct authors’ names, affiliations, addresses and author sequence when the final corrected proofs are submitted. Please keep in mind that corrections are no longer possible after online first publication. All additional corrections need the approval of the Editor-in-Chief and would result in the publication of an erratum that will be hyperlinked to the article.

Peer review policy:

This journal follows a single-blind peer reviewing procedure. Submitted manuscripts will generally be reviewed by two or more experts who will be asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and coherent, whether it duplicates already published work, and whether or not the manuscript is sufficiently clear for publication. The Editors will reach a decision based on these reports and, where necessary, they will consult with members of the Editorial Board.




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