Bolyai Society – Springer-Verlag
Instructions to Authors
1. Submission. Manuscripts should be submitted via the editorial system EditFlow. Please use the following link: https://ef.msp.org/submit/combinatorica
2. Length. The length of the paper should not exceed 30 pages (in 11-point L A T E X format on US letter-size paper with 1-inch margins). Authors of longer papers are advised to submit a 30-page version to COMBINATORICA with a link to a full version on arXiv.
3. Notes. Short notes are welcome and processed in an expedited fashion.
4. Form of Manuscript. The manuscript should contain a brief abstract. In a paper divided into sections, it is desirable to number theorems, lemmas, definitions, corollaries, examples, etc. consecutively using double Arabic numerals. (E.g., Section 3 may start with Definition 3.1 followed by Remark 3.2 and Theorem 3.3).
5. Style. Clarity of the presentation is paramount. The results should be made accessible to the non-specialist reader. Authors should give clear motivation, background, and exact references.
6. Final version. If the paper is accepted, the following should be submitted.
∗ The final version of the paper in TeX/LaTeX format. It is best to avoid using complicated macros or non-standard packages and fonts as they tend to be in conflict with the journal format. Furthermore, it significantly simplifies the typesetting process if unused packages and definitions are deleted by the author. In general, a plain “vanilla” version is the least prone to errors when adapting it to the journal format.
∗ Each figure in a separate file (in a vector graphic format that can handle embedded fonts such as EPS or vector PDF). Note that while the online version is published in color, the print version is converted to grayscale. Ensure that the figure can still be understood even when it is printed in grayscale. For example, avoid referring to colors in the text.
∗ Affiliation and e-mail address for each author.
∗ Abbreviated title (at most 35 characters), to be used as the running head.
∗ Mathematics Subject Classification codes (primary and secondary).
7. Reprints. 50 Reprints are provided free of charge upon request. Additional reprints may be ordered.