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SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY《土壤生物学与生物化学》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《土壤生物学与生物化学》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率9.60%
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-SOIL SCIENCE土壤科学



SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY《土壤生物学与生物化学》(月刊). Soil Biology & Biochemistry publishes original, scientifically challenging research articles of inte...[显示全部]















This journal is a forum for research on soil organisms, their biochemical activities and their influence on the soil environment and plant growth. It publishes original work on quantitative, analytical and experimental aspects of such research. Soil biology and soil biochemistry cover many scientific disciplines but a single journal brings together the results and views of research workers working in a wide variety of research areas. The scope of this journal is wide and embraces accounts of original research on the biology, ecology and biochemical activities of all forms of life that exist in the soil environment. Some of the subjects which have proved to be prominent are the biological transformations of plant nutrients in soil, nitrogen fixation and denitrification, soil-borne phases of plant parasites, the ecological control of soil-borne pathogens, the influence of pesticides on soil organisms, the biochemistry of pesticide and pollution decomposition in soil, microbial aspects of soil pollution, the composition of soil populations, modelling of biological processes in soil systems, the biochemical activities of soil organisms, soil enzymes and the interactions of soil organisms with plants and the effects of tillage on soil organisms and soil biochemistry. Sequence data Papers dealing with amino acid sequences of proteins or with nucleotide sequences must carry a statement that the data have been deposited with an appropriate data bank, e.g., the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) or GenBank Data Libraries. The data base accession number must be given at the end of the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript under the separate heading 'Accession numbers'. For example: Coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank with accession number 2XYZ. Lengthy nucleotide sequences will be published only if, in the judgement of the Editorial Board, these results are of general interest and importance.

Types of paper

1. Regular papers. Original full-length research papers which have not been published previously, except in a preliminary form, may be submitted as regular papers.

2. Short communications. These should not exceed 1200 words (three printed pages) or their equivalent, excluding references and legends. Submissions should include a short abstract not exceeding 10% of the length of the communication and which summarizes briefly the main findings of the work to be reported. The bulk of the text should be in a continuous form that does not require numbered sections such as Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion. However, a Cover page, Abstract and a list of Keywords are required at the beginning of the communication and Acknowledgements and References at the end. These components are to be prepared in the same format as used for full-length research papers. Occasionally authors may use sub-titles of their own choice to highlight sections of the text.

3. Review articles*. Review articles are welcome but should be topical and involve critique and synthesis, and should not just comprise an overview or summary of extant literature. Before submission please contact the Review Paper Co-ordinators with an outline of your proposed review, via the SBB mailbox  soilbb@elsevier.com

4. Perspectives: These are articles that provide an insightful perspective on any subject covered by the aims and scope of SBB. They can take the form of comments, views or opinions on topics, discussions on material published previously in SBB, or summaries of the state-of-the-art in an allied area. They are intended to provide a bridge between letters to the editor, research papers and full scientific reviews. The format can be any form that best suits the topic, conveys the key points effectively and encourages insightful and creative thinking. They can be any length but should be content-rich and concise. They must include an abstract and highlights. Such submissions will be subject to editorial and peer-review.

*Review Articles For Soil Biology And Biochemistry

Readers of Soil Biology and Biochemistry may submit reviews on any topic that falls within the scope of this journal. Authors of Review Articles should aim to provide facts as well as qualified ideas and opinions derived from reliable and relevant publications. Then, from such material develop reasoned arguments and questions for future evaluation and research. Reviewers should provide a list of relevant and appropriate references. They should avoid introducing new facts in the form of unpublished data or personal communications. Thus, the reader will be able to assess the interpretations and evaluate the methodology employed in the publications that are cited in the review.

The Introduction should outline the scope of the review and set the limits to the field it covers. The overall objective of the review may be posed as a question or a series of questions.

The bulk of the review should aim to present or introduce new ideas to the reader, review the literature relevant to these ideas and be specific. The authors of a Review Article might be able to provide alternative and reasoned interpretations or opinions to those advanced in the articles cited in the review.

The review might conclude with a set of hypotheses for future work that could be tested either using available technology or for which current technology could be improved.

Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.




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