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AIMS Mathematics《美国数学科学研究所数学》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称AIMS MATH
  • 参考译名《美国数学科学研究所数学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



AIMS Mathematics《美国数学科学研究所数学》(月刊),创刊于2016年,由山东师范大学数学与统计学院与美国著名出版社AIMS Press共同主办,同年正式被Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)数据库收录。编辑部设在山东师范大学数学与统计学院,主编由李晓迪教授与法国普瓦捷大学Alain Miranville教授共同担任。AIMS...[显示全部]


















AIMS Mathematics

Instruction for Authors


All submissions should be prepared with the following files, and submitted via our online system

1.1. Cover letter, which may include:

  Concise summary of why your paper is a valuable addition to the scientific literature

  Brief relation of your study to previously published work

  Any recommended or opposed reviewers

  Confirmation from all authors that the manuscript will be considered for publication in AIMS Press journal in Open Access Format. It has not been published nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere. Also confirm you have got the permission to reproduce the published materials in your manuscript.

  Referee reports if the paper was previously submitted to any of the AIMS mathematics journals at  http://aimsciences.org/.

1.2. Full text, including Figures and Tables

2. Manuscript organization

2.1. File format

Authors may submit their manuscript files in Word (as .doc or .docx) or LaTeX (as .pdf), format. Word files must not be protected.

If your document was prepared using LaTeX, please add \usepackage[pagewise]{lineno}\linenumbers to the preamble, as a courtesy to referees who may wish to provide detailed feedback.

  Microsoft word 

  Tex Template 

Submissions with equations: Please follow the instructions below to make sure that your equations are editable when the manuscript enters production.

Ensure that the equations in your .docx file remain editable.

  Enable "Compatibility Mode" before you compose your article

  MathType to create the equation or

  Go to Insert > Object > Microsoft Equation 3.0 and create the equation

2.2. Manuscript length

AIMS does not impose a limit on the length of manuscripts so authors can provide as many details of their research results as possible.

2.3. Title

The title should be specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the subject field. The title should be indented left in 16 point bold Times New Roman font and placed at the top of page 1. Capitalize only the first letter of the title.

2.4. Authors and affiliations

All authors' full names (the middle name can be abbreviated) should be listed together and separated by commas. Link affiliations to the author's name with superscript numbers and list as follows: Laboratory, Department, Organization, City, State (in abbreviation if from USA , Canada , or Australia ), and Country.

The Corresponding Author should be marked with an asterisk, and their exact contact address, email address and telephone number should be listed in a separate paragraph. This information will be published with the article if accepted.

Any change of affiliation requests will not be allowed after publication. A note about the author's new address can be added to the article's webpage if needed.

If the article has been submitted on behalf of a consortium, all author names and affiliations should be listed at the end of the manuscript.

2.5. Headings and subheadings

There should be no more than 4 levels of headings. The font of headings and subheadings should be 12 point normal Times New Roman, and only the first word should be capitalized.




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