Instructions to authors
1. Manuscript Submission / Copyright
Submission of a manuscript for publication in Newsletters on Stratigraphy is considered binding assurance that this work has not been and will not be published elsewhere in this form and length.
With acceptance and publication of a manuscript the exclusive copyright for every language and country is transferred to the publishers. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article including reprints, microfilm or any other reproduction and translations.
Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words without prior agreement from the Editorial Team. In a cover letter accompanying the submitted manuscript, please supply the names and addresses (including E-mail addresses) of 4 potential reviewers. Please send your manuscript via the journals submission system.
Contributors to Special Issues are asked to submit their manuscripts directly to the Guest Editor(s).
2. Manuscript Preparation
2.1 Text preparation
Please make sure that your text is written in good English (American and British English are equally acceptable, but please avoid a mixture of both). If the English falls short of the standards of Newsletters on Stratigraphy, the Editorial Team will be unable to send the manuscript out for review and will instead return it to the authors for improvement. Please provide consecutive line numbering throughout the entire manuscript.
We accept most wordprocessing formats, but Word and WordPerfect are preferred. The text should be in single-column format and double spaced. All text lines and pages must be consecutively numbered. Please use bold face, italics, etc. where needed. To avoid unnecessary errors and thus to ease the reviewers’ task, authors are strongly urged to activate the 'spellchecker' function of their wordprocessing program.
Numbers: Please use decimal points, not commas in numbers; use a space for thousands (10 000 and higher).
Units: Please use International System (i.e., metric) units (SI) in the text, captions and illustrations.
Italics: Italics are only to be used in the context of genera and species names. Please do not use italics for any other expressions.
2.1.1 Title Page
Please provide the following information on the title page (in the order given)
Please avoid abbreviations and formulae whenever possible.
Author Names and Affiliations
Please present the authors' addresses below the authors' names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the respective address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name, and, if available, the e-mail address of each author.
A „Present address“ may be indicated as a footnote to an author's name if that author has changed his address since the work presented in the article was carried out. The address where the author actually carried out the work needs to be retained as the main affiliation address.
Corresponding Author
Please indicate which author will handle correspondence throughout the refereeing and publication processes. For the corresponding author, E-mail address, telephone and fax numbers (including country and area code), and the complete postal address are required.
An abstract exceeding not more than 400 words is required. Please consider that an abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. References should be avoided. In the rare cases they are essential, they must be fully cited in the abstract. If such a reference does not re-occur later in the manuscript text, it will not be included into the reference list. Abbreviations should be avoided unless they are commonly used (such as, e.g., SI units).
After the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords.
2.2 Subdivision of the Manuscript
Please structure your manuscript into consecutively numbered, clearly defined sections with short, concise headings (the abstract is excluded from this numbering). Subsections are to be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc.), 1.2, etc. Ideally, articles in Newsletters on Stratigraphy are structured as follows:
Regional and/or geological setting
Materials and methods
Figure Captions, Table Captions