For Authors
To check on the status of your submission, please visit the Journal of Remote Sensing’s manuscript submission site.
For general guidance on using the manuscript submission system, please read the tutorials for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers. For questions on specific functionality, explore the Editorial Manager video library.
Categories of Manuscripts
The Journal of Remote Sensing accepts submissions for original research articles, review articles, editorials, and perspectives. Prior to submission, each author should review and be prepared to fulfill the submission requirements outlined in the Publication Ethics page and comply with following limitations.
Research articles should present a major advance and must include an abstract of up to 250 words, an introduction and sections with brief and informative subheadings. Authors may include up to ten figures and/or tables and about 60 references. Total research article length should be under 15,000 words. Supplementary materials should be limited to information that is not essential for the general understanding of the research presented in the main text and can include data sets, figures, tables, videos or audio files. For ease in preparing your submission, please follow the manuscript template in Word and LaTex.
Review articles should describe and synthesize recent developments of interdisciplinary significance and highlight future directions. Reviews must include an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, brief subheadings and an outline of important unresolved questions. Reviews should be no longer than 8,000 words, although longer manuscripts will be considered. Authors may include up to six figures and/or tables and up to 100 references. Most reviews are solicited by the editors. Unsolicited submissions will be considered, and authors are encouraged to contact the Editors first before writing a review paper.
Editorials are short, invited opinion pieces that discuss an issue of immediate importance to the research community. Editorials should have fewer than 1,000 words total, no abstract, a minimal number of references (no more than five) and no figures or tables. Editorials are only solicited by the editors.
Perspectives introduce or comment on recent scientific advances or issues that have major influence on science or the scientific community. Perspectives that comment on papers in the Journal of Remote Sensing should add a dimension to the research and not merely be a summary of the experiments described in the paper. Perspectives are generally between 2,000 and 4,000 words total (including abstract, main text, references and figure legends). They should have a pithy title, an abstract of 50 words or less, no more than 35 references, and no more than two figures (with figure legends) or tables.
Preparation of Manuscripts
English Language Editing Services
Interested in English language assistance prior to submission? The Science Partner Journals publishing team has evaluated the work of the companies listed on the SPJ Author Services page and found their services to be effective for editing scientific English language in manuscripts prior to submission.
Experimental Design and Statistics Guidelines
Study Design Guidelines
In the first section of the Materials and Methods, we encourage authors to have first subtitle of "Experimental and Technical Design," which includes a diagram or flowchart to show the entire experimental design and illustrates the most significant elements: materials, treatments, measurements, data collection, methods of data analysis. This will facilitate the editors, reviewers and readers to understand and follow the whole concept, design, and results.
Statistical Analysis Guidelines
Generally, authors should describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the results.
《Journal of Remote Sensing》(简称:JRS)已开放投稿,我们接收来自世界各地遥感科学家的投稿。JRS采用目前国际一流网络投稿与审稿系统平台Editorial Manager。
1. 登录投稿网站
注册作者的用户名和密码,点击“Author Login”登陆。如果您忘记用户名和密码,点击“Send Login Details”输入您的邮箱,重置登录密码”。
2. 登录后切换至“Author”界面
3. 点击“Submit New Manuscript”开始投稿
目前,JRS共发表四种类型的文章:Resaerch Article, Review Article, Perspective, Editorial,选择您合适的文章类型。
4. 输入作者ORCID
5. 上传文章相关文档
请作者按照提示,上传所有材料,包括:Manuscript,Cover Letter, License to Publish, Figure, Table。
6. 填写国家、地区及稿件所属领域
7. 填写推荐审稿人
您的推荐审稿人将作为Associate Editor邀请审稿人的参考。
8. 对编辑部的建议(选填)
9. 填写稿件标题、摘要、关键词、作者信息及资金支持等信息。
10. 检查稿件的正确性与准确性
点击“View Submission”查看您的稿件,下载稿件PDF版本,确保稿件各项信息准确、无误。如需修改稿件点击“Edit Submission”,确认稿件正确无误后点击“Approve Submission”提交您的稿件。编辑部会在三个工作日内处理您的稿件。