《中国国际政治季刊》(The Chinese Journal of International Politics) 创刊于2006年,2012年进入SSCI,迄今仍是中国大陆主办的唯一一份政治学SSCI专业期刊,自2019年起由清华大学国际关系研究院常务副院长孙学峰教授担任主编。自创刊以来,CJIP坚持发表原创性学术研究成果,重点推动国际关系理论创新和中国对外关系方面的研究,发表了诸多国内外知名学者的文章。CJIP发表的文章在东亚、欧洲和北美三地学者间保持了较好的平衡,在促进国际关系理论多元化发展方面发挥了独特作用。
2019年6月20日,科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)2018年期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)正式发布。由清华大学国际关系研究院主办的《中国国际政治季刊》(Chinese Journal of International Politics-CJIP)最新影响因子上升为2.344(五年影响因子2.75),在91份国际关系类社会科学引文索引(Social Sciences Citation Index-SSCI)期刊中名列第15,再度进入国际关系类SSCI期刊影响因子的Q1区,同时也是亚洲地区排名最高的国际关系类SSCI期刊。
Instructions to Authors
Aims and Scope
The Chinese Journal of International Politics ( CJIP ) aims to advance the systematic and rigorous study of international relations. The journal is committed to publishing academic work that explores such issues as international relations in East Asia, China's foreign policy, international relations theory, and international political economy. Manuscripts on other related areas are also welcomed. CJIP welcomes mainly two forms of articles:
Original Research Articles are problem- driven research articles that are theory-oriented and empirically tested, typically containing sections of research questions, literature reviews, theoretical explanations, and empirical verification. Research conducted therein should be innovative, well-crafted, and replicable. CJIP welcomes research articles with all schools of thought and methodology approaches that contribute to theoretical progress or notable interpretation of empirical evidence that are important to advancing our understanding of international relations.
Analytical Review Essays provide informative and constructive reviews of new developments or clarify debates through comprehensively and critically integrating, evaluating, and analyzing scholarship in relevant areas of study. Analytical review essays are fully peer-reviewed analyses based on scholarly books or published journal articles on topics that are important and relevant for CJIP readers.
CJIP does not seek unsupported articles on current affairs or policies, or narratives of a journalistic nature containing mainly opinion or advocacy.