Instructions for Authors
Founded 1948 by Hans-Joachim Schoeps and Ernst Benz.
The Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (ZRGG) is a peer-reviewed journal and comprises original papers, miscellanea and reviews both in German and English from the crossroads of philosophy, the history of religions, cultural studies, theology, ethnology, European history, the history of art and the history of the sciences. It is not bound to any specific period, field, scholarly method or school but rather to the excellence and the innovative character of texts and ideas. Each issue aims at presenting a mixture of insights from outsiders and newcomers as well as scholarly views and outlooks from insiders along with an extensive book review section. The Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte has a longstanding tradition and is one of the most outstanding journals in the humanities of the Germanspeaking world. Today, it is a forum for interdisciplinary research and scholarly dialogue in the fields of religious and intellectual history.
Ethical and Legal Conditions
The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors, editors, and reviewers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with Brill’s publication ethics, which may be downloaded here: brill.com/page/ethics/publication-ethics-cope-compliance.
Please e-mail submissions to Dr. Martina Bitunjac at zrgg@uni-potsdam.de or mbitunja@uni-potsdam.de.
Submissions that have already been published elsewhere will not be considered for publication.
Submission Requirements
Articles should be written in German or English. Spelling should be consistent throughout. If neither German nor English is your first language, it is recommended to have a native speaker proofread the
article before submission.
Non-Roman Scripts
If a special font is used, please provide a copy of the font.
The final draft of a manuscript of a regular article accepted for publication should be ca. 50,000 characters in length including footnotes (max. 20 pages).
Miscellanea should be ca. 12,000 characters, including footnotes (3-8 pages).
Book reviews should be ca. 4,000 characters (1.5 pages) and should not use footnotes.
Manuscript Structure
− Manuscripts that are submitted for initial consideration should be complete, including all notes,
bibliographical references, tables, etc.
− Final versions and printouts must be proofread carefully before submission; please use your spelling
and grammar check; final versions that are not corrected will be returned for renewed proofreading.
− Manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively in the lower right corner, single-spaced text
with regular margins on all sides.
− Eliminate any section or page breaks, and any headers or footers.
− Notes and references should be submitted as footnotes, consecutively numbered, and placed at the
bottom of the page.
− The journal reserves the right to copy-edit contributions to conform to its style. Do not use desktop
publishing features such as justification, centering, or bold-face type.
− Italics should be indicated by italics. Do not use bold in the text.
− Do not hyphenate words at the end of a line. Do not use the hyphenation feature of your word
processing program.
− Do not use TAB.
− Should you choose to leave out part of the original text in a quote, mark the place with […]
Text formatting
Text should be formatted in the font Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced, justified right margins.
Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10, single-spaced.
Abbreviations are only allowed in footnotes (for example-e.g.; and so on – etc.), they should be written out in the regular text.
Centuries with ordinal numbers should be written without superscript: 19th century.
Please note that only institutional references should be capitalized: Faculty of Religious Studies. General references to academic disciplines are in lower-case. ‘He was a scholar in religious studies.’ Foreign words, technical terms, names of organizations and institutions as well as titles of publications should be set in italics.
Regular articles should include a short abstract (80-150 words), written in English, that clearly defines
the thesis and the sources quoted.
Please supply 3-8 keywords (in lowercase letters) for indexing purposes.
Authors of a regular article should include a short vita, 7-10 lines, including:
- Year of birth, academic titles, academic career
- Current job position
- Areas of research interest
- Latest publications
Authors of book reviews should add their place of living and their name in italics at the end of the
Authors of miscellanea only add their name in italics at the end of the manuscript.
Headings are unnumbered and should be flush (aligned) left. Apart from the title, not more than one
level of headings should be used. Level headings should be in italics and unnumbered; alternatively the
level can be indicated by a Roman numeral with no text in Italics. The choice of heading should be
consistent throughout the text.
Level Heading in words: This is the First Level Heading
Numeral Level Heading: I
A book review should not have a title but instead the bibliographical data of the reviewed publication in
the following format:
Author: Title (. Subtitle), Place: Publishing House Year, pages.
Otto Kaiser: Philo von Alexandrien. Denkender Glaube ˗ Eine Einführung, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht 2015, 331 S.
The autoformatting of footnotes is required for accepted papers.
Footnotes should be numbered consecutively as 1, 2, 3… in Arabic numerals and placed at the bottom of
each page. Superscript numbers marking footnotes should follow immediately after the punctuation or
the quotation. Footnotes cannot contain any italics.