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YALE REVIEW《耶鲁评论》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《耶鲁评论》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



YALE REVIEW《耶鲁评论》(季刊)。The Yale Review, founded in 1819, is the oldest literary quarterly in the United States. It publishes new&nb...[显示全部]














The Yale Review is open for submissions of poetry, nonfiction, and fiction from October 5 to November 3, 2020, via Submittable. We are currently accepting pieces both for our print quarterly and for a new online “Poem of The Week” and “Essay of the Week” feature. All nonfiction and poetry submissions will be considered for publication both in the print magazine and online. Please note: We are currently unable to consider submissions sent by mail.

As it enters its third century, The Yale Review is being relaunched under its new editor, Meghan O’Rourke, as a twenty-first century print and digital publication with a renewed mission: to promote insightful discourse and encourage original thinking and writing. We are looking for writing that changes existing conversations or starts new ones, for poems and fiction and essays that evoke a sense of urgency, pleasure, surprise, joy, or grief.

We love formally inventive pieces and incisive, unexpected arguments. We want stories and voices we haven’t heard before and the things we don’t even know to ask for yet. Note: The Yale Review is currently accepting a very limited number of short stories. When submitting fiction, please take extra care to familiarize yourself with The Yale Review and to send us your best work.

The best way to get a sense of what we do is to read what we’ve recently published. We suggest that anyone submitting work read the most recent issues of The Yale Review—from the F/W 2019 issue on—to familiarize themselves with the new contours of the magazine. You can find recent issues online here, and a few of our favorite pieces below. Subscriptions to our print edition are also available here.

At The Yale Review, we believe that thinking together makes for better writing. Our editors work closely with all writers between the acceptance of a piece and its publication.


Please send no more than five poems, one short story, one nonfiction piece, or one piece of criticism at a time. For more details, we ask that you follow the instructions on the relevant Submittable form.

All submissions must be in English and previously unpublished anywhere else, including on private websites and blogs. We consider work in translation, which you can submit to the relevant genre form on Submittable. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us promptly if a piece is accepted for publication elsewhere. Given the volume of submissions we receive and the attention we want to give to each one, we ask that you not submit more than twice in a calendar year.

The Yale Review is a small, editorially independent organization that relies primarily on its own funds to operate. To defray the costs of hosting and running Submittable, we need to charge $3 per submission at this time. You may claim the cost against any new subscription to the journal. We don’t believe financial hardship should be an impediment to submission, so we have a limited number of fee-free submissions available through Submittable.

We try to respond to submissions within five months.

All submissions must be in English and previously unpublished in print or online (including on private websites/blogs). We consider translations, which you can submit to the relevant genre form on Submittable. We are happy to consider simultaneous submissions, as long as you notify us promptly if a piece is accepted for publication elsewhere.

For submissions guidelines and to better understand the kinds of writing we’re looking for, please see the “Submissions” section of our website.

The Yale Review is a small, editorially independent organization that relies primarily on its own funds to operate. To defray the costs of hosting and running Submittable, we need to charge $3 per submission at this time. You may claim the cost against any new subscription to the journal. We don’t believe financial hardship should be an impediment to submission, so we have a limited number of fee-free submissions available. If for any reason the fee is an impediment, please email theyalereview@gmail.com with the subject head "Fee Waiver" for instructions on how to enter your submission.

We pay writers for the pieces we publish. Payment amounts for poetry range from $50 to $75; payment for fiction and non-fiction ranges from $100-150 for online-only publication and from $250-500 for print. Print authors receive one copy of the issue in which their work appears.  Authors retain copyright and will receive a contract upon acceptance.

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