Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies
Primary Email Address
Carrie Smith, Editor
University of Alberta
carrie.smith @ualberta.ca
Markus Stock, Editor
University of Toronto
Peer Review Process
Submissions will go through a process of anonymous peer-review. The editor will assign the assessors
for each submission, who are chosen based on their expertise regarding the topic. The assessors are
selected from a database of over 400 scholars from North America, Europe (including the UK), and
Seminar uses a double-blind peer review process. Blinding a manuscript entails removing all
references to an author’s name and publications, as well as to the setting and participants in the
research, where relevant. Please replace all instances of your name and any coauthors’ names,
including in notes and references, with the word “Author”. In the reference list, “Author” is
alphabetized with the other “A” references, not with the letter that corresponds to your last name.
When blinding the context of your research, use pseudonyms for the names of institutions or
participants, and do not identify the city or town in which the research took place if it could serve to
identify the participants and/or the institution. For example, “a bilingual university in Ottawa” is
inadequate blinding because there is only one such university. Try to avoid including any other
characteristics that might lead to the identification of the individuals or institutions involved.
Please also remove any information that would identify you from the “Properties” section of your
Word file by opening “Preferences,” then “Security” and checking the box “Remove personal
information from this file on save.”
Manuscripts that have not been blinded will be returned to the authors for blinding before they are
sent out to the reviewers; this will delay the review process. If the article is accepted for publication,
authors are asked to restore all personal or identifying information in their article.
Manuscript Submission Process
Manuscripts are accepted for consideration in English, French, or German. Articles purely on
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Submission Guidelines
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linguistics or pedagogy will not be accepted. Submissions are considered regardless of the author's
professional status or rank, institutional affiliation, or nationality—quality of the scholarship alone is
the decisive factor.
All articles must be the author’s original work, previously unpublished, and must not be under review
for publication with another journal.
Because peer reviewers are selected from a large database of international experts, submissions will
only be accepted electronically as a Microsoft Word document. Please do not submit PDFs or locked
documents as the editors may need to make changes in formatting before sending the manuscript to
peer reviewers.
After you submit your article, it will be evaluated. Based on this evaluation, you will receive one of the
following responses: accepted as is, rejected, or returned for further revisions.
Upon initial submission, all supporting files including figures and illustrations, tables, and images must
be submitted within the main file. They are to appear at the end of the file. If you wish you can include
a note in the file indicating where the supporting documents should appear (i.e., insert Figure 1 here).
Should the article be accepted for publication, you will be required to resubmit supporting images in
high resolution.
Manuscript Requirements and Style Guide
Please submit your final revised manuscript as a Microsoft Word file, in 12-point serif font (i.e. Times
New Roman), single spaced, with no space between paragraphs. Please indent after the first
paragraph and align flush left and ragged right.
Word Limit
It is recommended that manuscript submissions not exceed 9000 words, not including notes and
works cited. The journal does not normally publish articles of less than 5000 words.
Other Style & Format Guidelines
Seminar follows MLA Style Manual (8th edition) and the Oxford English Dictionary. The journal adheres
to British/Canadian spelling conventions but uses the -ize rather than -ise forms (e.g. analyze).
• We ask that German-language works be cited in the German original, as Seminar readership
can be assumed to have reading knowledge of German.
• Use double quotation marks, except for quotations within quotations.
• The journal discourages use of discursive endnotes and requests that they be limited to a few
if any. Footnotes are not allowed.
• Use an en-dash for date and page ranges, and an em-dash (without spaces on either side of it)
as an interrupter.
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• Use only one space after periods, commas, colons, and semicolons. Seminar uses the Oxford
• Use hard returns at the end of paragraphs only. Let your software make line breaks (word
wrap), and do not add extra line spaces between paragraphs.
• Seminar normally does not use titled subsections or internal headings. Authors may signal a
new segment with a dropped line and the first paragraph starting flush left.
Additional Elements for Submission
Copyright Agreement
Upon manuscript acceptance, all authors will be expected to sign a copyright agreement. Manuscripts
accepted for publication or published in Seminar become the property of the Canadian Association of
University Teachers in German (CAUTG) and may not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part,
without written permission.
Contact Information
A separate cover sheet must include the author's name, affiliation, title of submission, and contact
information (address, telephone, fax, e-mail).
The title should be typed above the top horizontal line.
All articles must include a Works Cited list for works that are cited in the text. We ask that Germanlanguage works be cited in the German original, as Seminar readership can be assumed to have
reading knowledge of German. The journal normally adheres to the MLA in-text style of references.
The journal discourages use of discursive endnotes and requests that they be limited to a few if any.
Footnotes are not allowed.
Seminar uses the Modern Language Association Handbook (8th edition).
The font used for figures should be Times New Roman.
For previously published figures, written permission from both the author and the original publisher
must be submitted at the time of manuscript acceptance.
While images appear in black and white in the print journal, the online version can accommodate
colour images, video, and audio. If you have material such as this that is relevant to your article,
please submit it for inclusion in the online version of the journal.
Provide a separate EPS (the preferred format), PostScript, JPEG or TIFF file, (resolution at 300 dots per
inch) in black and white for each figure; glossy photographic prints at publication size or larger are
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Submission Guidelines
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acceptable, especially for complex graphics.
Please include all captions for tables and figures in the manuscript. Captions should be included in the
text where you would like the figure or photograph placed.
Please add an abstract and keywords for your article. Abstracts should generally be between 100 and
150 words, and 5 to 7 key words or phrases are usually sufficient.